
Yesterday I read an article by Matt Rosenberg  on Imprimis, which is a supplement from Hillsdale College. 

I can tell by the confused looks on your faces that some ‘splainin’ is in order. 

First! Hillsdale College is a private conservative liberal arts college in Hillsdale, Michigan which is about halfway between Lansing, MI and Fort Wayne, IN. Imprimis is sent out monthly, free for the asking upon request, and typically contains conservative points of view, typically by good writers or speakers.

Matt Rosenberg is a native Chicagoan who drove a taxi prior to becoming a journalist and an author. (FYI: I am also a native Chicagoan who drove a taxi and subsequently became an author … the big difference between myself and Mr. Rosenberg is that he is a good writer.)

The title on this latest Imprimis piece is “Spiraling Violence in Chicago: Causes and Solutions.”  

For those of you not aware, the crime scene in Chicago is out of control. In the previous year the number of murders in Chicago rose 55%. Chicago’s new murder high is 797, the highest number in 25 years. The city’s 3561 shooting incidents in 2021 were up 63% compared to 2019. Expressway shootings and carjackings were also dramatically higher.

The reason I chose to write about this topic is because what’s happening in Chicago is similar to what is also happening in other big cities across the country, and I would surmise that the causes are basically the same.

According to Rosenberg the causes of out of control crime in Chicago are many. Here are a few from his Imprimis article:

  • a sub-genre of hip-hop music called “Chicago Drill,” in which rival gangs call each other out in Chicago Drill raps, and bullets often fly as a result.
  • Extremely insufficient punishment, a lot of which is due to State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s prosecutors approving felony charges in only a small percent of those arrested.
  • Easy probation as criminal Justice has morphed into what prosecutors describe as “social Justice.” Under Cook County Chief Judge Timothy Evans’ direction, suspects charged with felony gun violations and overt violent felonies are often released on no-cash or low-cash bail.

Thus far no big surprises as corruption has subtlely infiltrated into our Justice system.

What can be done?

Some potential solutions according to Rosenberg:

  • Stop releasing people charged with violent felony crimes
  • Reapportion the budget to build and operate more courtrooms
  • Repeal legislation that will outlaw most cash bail by 2023
  • Employ smarter policing tactics, including more foot patrols
  • Stop making excuses for what alderman Ray Lopez called “the borderline collapse of the family unit in many neighborhoods.”Political leaders need to stop walking on eggshells when it comes to talking about the breakdown of the nuclear family in low income black communities. Young men need fathers, and without fathers, they flounder. In Chicago more than 80% of all black women who gave birth between 1999 and 2009 were single. Among Latinos this number is 55%, while that number in whites and Asians is dramatically lower. Broken homes are directly correlated to violent crime. Neighborhoods with the highest incidence of single mothers have the highest rate of murders.
  • Improve failing public schools by either facilitating more charter schools or by facilitating school vouchers.

Increasing violent crimes is a major reason for the exodus of Chicago’s black population, down one-third since 1980, and it also explains why tourists and suburbanites are shunning the city.

Again, no big surprises here, but as long as the Democrats are in charge in both Cook County and in the State of Illinois, it is a fair bet that nothing will change!


142 Replies to “Imprimus”

  1. рф ведёт непорядочную войну против Украины. Больше сорока стран решили поддержать Украину в защите от российской агрессии. В настоящее время уже абсолютно все начинают понимать, через некоторое время рф придётся заплатить по счетам за собственную агрессию.

  2. Русские военные повествуют, что по-за них, в тылу ставят армейских прочих национальностей. Последние долбят в них, на случай если все они отходят да и отбирают абсолютно всё наворованное себе лично. Мирные люди с российской федерации продолжают как ни в чем не бывало наблюдать, как их в совокупности родимых высылают воевать на незаслуженную войну в Украинское государство.

  3. Военные, какие отправились воевать в Украинское государство еще давно осмыслили – это конечно отнюдь не специальная военная операция, а навязанная российским начальством, незаслуженная война насупротив Украинской стороны. Российские бойцы не стремятся вести войну и потом сообщают мирным жителям правду. Сейчас и мирные уроженцы стали сознавать, собственно что в представленной войне гибнет немало военных и потом мирных людей и потом инициируют выступать насупротив такой, неоправданной войны.

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