I Doubt That Ireland Is Different

Today an older friend of mine just told me that his fully vaccinated middle-aged son came down with Covid. The son works from home, has no children, is in good physical condition without risk factors, and does not live in a city. It is unlikely that he will ever know just where he got it, but the interesting and important thing to me is that he was fully vaccinated. With all of the current hullabaloo about mandated vaccinations, one might ask if this scenario is unusual.

As fate would have it on the same day I read an article from the Irish Times printed on 10/22/21, the title of which was “Waterford city district has State’s highest rate of Covid-19 infections … County also has highest rate of vaccination take-up in the Republic.”

(For those not familiar with Ireland, it is divided into different counties which are similar to states here in the U.S.)

The article continued:

“Waterford has the highest rate of vaccination in the country with 99.7 per cent of adults over the age of 18 (as registered in the last census) fully vaccinated. The county has gone from having one of the lowest rates of Covid-19 infection in Ireland to one of the highest.”

Waterford has the highest incidence rate of anywhere in Ireland. The COVID case rate is three times the national average, which in itself has been increasing steadily in recent weeks, despite 91% of Irish adults being vaccinated.”

Again a headline from an Irish Times article on 10/29/21:

“Covid-19: Number in hospital with the disease reaches highest level in seven months”

The article continues:

“The number of people in hospital with Covid-19 moved past 500 for the first time since March as public health officials expressed increasing concern about the rising number of infections.

“As of 10/29/21, just over 91 per cent of the Irish population aged 12 and over have been vaccinated.

The State’s chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan said he was ‘increasingly worried about the rising incidence of the disease nationwide’ and that the primary focus ‘must be to protect the most vulnerable from Covid-19.’ He continued, ‘We are seeing a continuing increase in hospitalisation and intensive care admissions – a substantial amount of whom are not fully vaccinated.’”

(BTW, I am always suspicious when statements include words like “substantial,” instead of actual percentages and numbers, as “substantial” could include  anything from 10% to 90%. If “substantial” here means 50% were non-vaccinated, then it means that 50% were vaccinated, and this would mean that vaccination had not provided any significant protection.) 

It is interesting that a similar phenomenon is occurring in the U.K. While cases in all age groups are getting less, during the past 4 weeks in the UK, for all ages > 30 years, the vaccinated were more likely to become infected. For those between 40 and 80 years old, the vaccinated were more than twice as likely to test positive.

But this vaccination bad news is extending to other nations. 

From Dr. Eli David:

“After vaccinating over 85% of its population, Singapore 

finally flattened the curve, but along the wrong axis,” as cases in Singapore have skyrocketed in the last month.

As Daniel Horowitz queries, “Could it be that the vaccine not only fails to stop transmission, but causes viral immune escape and makes more virulent variants. A recent analysis of the emergent A.30 strain published in Nature shows that “the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 variant A.30 is heavily mutated and evades vaccine-induced antibodies with high efficiency.”


Yet despite what is happening in Ireland, England and Singapore, those in charge in the U.S. are continuing to push for more and more mandated vaccinations. They still continue to call it “following the science,” but continue to ignore the facts of what is actually happening in various other countries.

I doubt that vaccination status and corresponding infection rates in Ireland are any different from those in the U.S. … namely, that the number of vaccinated individuals in the hospital or ICU is substantial.



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