I Defy Anyone

No, I did not listen to President Biden’s first press conference on 3/25/21 in its entirety, but I did listen to some portions of it. I will say that President Biden did look presidential with his blue suit and a nice Windsor knot in his tie, however he did not sound presidential as some portions of what he said made no sense to me.

I listened to the following multiple times, and I defy anyone to make any sense of this direct quote by Joe Biden when apparently talking about the filibuster.

“I have never been particularly poor at calculating how to get things done in the United States Senate. So, the best way to get something done if you…if you hold near and dear to you…that you like to be able to…anyway, I—we’re going to get a lot done.” 


First of all, “I have never been particularly poor at calculating how to get things done in the United States Senate.” What does this mean? He was in the Senate for a gazillion years. Either one is “poor at calculating” or  “has never been particularly good at calculating,” but what the President of the USA said here is . . . being as kind as I can be . . . is gibberish! 

When one actually looks at the video during the last part of the above direct quote, the emotion that immediately rises to the surface is one of pity. I defy anyone who watched this part not to have felt sorry for that lost, and bewildered Clem Kadiddlehopper-like soul. If this were a high school graduation, some sympathetic decent parent would have gently led him away from the podium so as to avoid any further humiliation. The problem is that Joe Biden is not just an ordinary confused grandpa, but the President of the USA!

Furthermore I defy anyone to explain the following:

He said that Republican election integrity bills were worse than Jim Crow, so much so that they “make Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle.”

Whaaat? Has anybody ever heard of Jim Eagle?

Unlike any press conference I have ever seen, President Biden not only had a book with the faces of potential questioners, but also the numerical order of whom to call on next. 

Does anyone think that the questions were scripted? Duh! 

But even with a probable scripted question, I defy anyone to explain the following exchange.

Reporter: ‘Wondering if you’ve made a decision either about sending the Manufacturer Liability Bill that you had promised on day one to Capitol Hill or executive actions like going after ghost guns or giving money to cities and states to battle gun control.’

Joe Biden: ‘All the above. It’s a matter of timing. As you’ve all observed, successful presidents, better than me, have been successful in large part because they know how to time what they’re doing. Order it, decide and priorities, what needs to be done. The next major initiative is, and I’ll be announcing it Friday in Pittsburgh in detail, is to rebuild the infrastructure, both physical and technological infrastructure of this country so that we can compete and create significant numbers of really good paying jobs. Really good paying jobs. And some of you have been around long enough to know that used to be a great Republican goal initiative.’”


I defy anyone to explain how gun control is related to infrastructure spending.

If that exchange had occurred at the Thanksgiving dinner table, a concerned son or daughter would have said, “Hey Pop, have some more turkey,” or “Dad, please pass the dressing,” in order to avoid further embarrassment for the old guy. Either or those would have been more humane than letting Old Biden continue to blather before a national audience.


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