Hope ?

Today while at the gym I caught a glimpse of a tee shirt that said in large letters “Reagan-Bush 84! The guy wearing the shirt had his back to me, but I kept an eye on him so that I could ask him about the shirt when he got off his exercise bike. That was the first Reagan tee shirt that I had ever seen, and so I was interested. When he finished, I caught his attention and waved him over to my treadmill. My first surprise was that he was Hispanic.

A Hispanic with a Reagan tee shirt! “Is this a sign of hope?”
He was young, and obviously could not have been alive in 1984. Since the shirt looked new, I figured that it must have been passed down to him, unused, from his father, and so I asked him whether the shirt had belonged to his father.

“No, it’s mine,” he said. “I was not alive in ’84. I am 19.”
A young Hispanic guy with a Reagan shirt! “Could there be hope?” I thought!
“I heard a speaker at school, and I liked what he said. The speaker was Ben Shapiro and I became interested in politics after listening to him.”
A young Hispanic college student with a Reagan tee shirt! “There is hope,” I thought!
“But the shirt looks so new. Where did you get it?”
He responded, “I searched it out, and bought it on Amazon.”
An enthusiastic young Hispanic college student with a Reagan tee shirt!  “Perhaps more than just hope,” I mused.
And to top it off, the gym that I go to is in California.
A young Hispanic California college student with a Reagan tee shirt!
I started to feel more than just hope, and actually began to feel confident about the future!!

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