Honest and Forthright ?

One of the things we all should expect is that our government is honest and forthright. Now let’s be clear. Here I am not talking about individual politicians because we all know that they, all the way up to and including the President, are not honest and forthright. They manipulate the truth; they hide the truth; they distort the truth; and … yes … they even lie!!!However, up until this Covid pandemic, we expected those involved with our health care to be honest and forthright. Have our expectations been fulfilled in respect to the Covid vaccine? For a long time I have said ‘no’ to that question, and things are finally starting to come out, that suggest that those of us who have questioned ‘those that know best’ may be right.

First of all, mandating Covid vaccines for children is out and out just nonsensical. In general children do not die from Covid unless they already have significant underlying health issues. Why risk potential long term side effects of a vaccine to prevent something that is of no real consequence to most children? Is there any data on the issue of potential long term side effects? … NO!

What about adolescents and college students? Although the risk to this group is marginally higher, it is still very, very low. Do we know about side long term side effects in this group? … NO!

What about young adults up to age 39?

From the Epoch Times:

“Retsef Levi has strong opinions on vaccinations in this age group. He is 

a former Israeli military intelligence officer, an expert in risk management and health systems, and a professor at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management. He coauthored a paper that found a 25 percent rise in heart attack emergency calls among young Israelis after the country’s rollout of the COVID genetic vaccine.

‘The main question that we need to ask ourselves is, do we have enough evidence from this study and many other studies, to say halt!’ Levi said.

The paper does not conclude a causal relationship between the vaccine and the observed increase in heart problems, but it definitely gives enough evidence to warrant an in-depth investigation said Levi.”

To me, this gentleman has all of the credentials to justify what he is saying. So why are ‘those in the know’ seemingly not paying any attention?

As I said earlier, prior to Covid, we expected those involved with our health care to be honest and forthright. Why are they now apparently not being forthright and honest about this?

Could the answer be as follows? Still from the Epoch Times:

“There is a lot of data that strongly suggests an increase in myocarditis or death in young people who have been vaccinated. Levi believes that the haste with which the vaccines were produced, approved, and deployed, neglected safety and best practices for rolling out vaccines.

This deviation from basic sound scientific principles has put health officials in Israel and the United States, ‘in a situation where you essentially cannot admit any wrong anymore because that will imply that you did something very, very disastrous,’ said Levi. ‘We approve it in a very expedited way, and we approve it to everybody regardless of the risk, and that was basically the fundamental mistake that we’ve done. And I think everything else can be explained by that.’”

Have we all been snookered, and are we continuing to be snookered?  Why are they not being honest and forthright?  Hmmm!


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