“Help! Help! Stop! Stop!”

Let’s say that your next-door neighbor has a two year old, and one day you incessantly hear crying and screaming from next store. The little boy is not happy … “No, no, no! Stop, stop! Help, help.” At some point would you be concerned for the safety of that screaming little boy? You are cognizant that child abuse can be a real problem, perhaps even on your block. Perhaps even next-door. Could his parents be out of town? Could he be with a baby-sitter? I would guess that eventually you would decide that you needed to do something. Call the police? Go next door?

Now let’s say that we have the same scenario, except that next door you have a daycare facility. The same incessant crying and screaming. The same “No, no, no! Stop, stop, stop!” Would your threshold be the same? One would certainly think that a licensed daycare facility should not be abusing a two year old … or would they? … or could they?

Next let’s say that this daycare facility is in New York State. Would that make any difference? One would think not, as child abuse is child abuse. It shouldn’t matter the nationality of the child, the gender of the child, or in which state the child abuse is occurring. 

Next let’s assume that a young boy was continuously screaming at the house next store that happened to also be a daycare facility that happened to be in New York State. Child abuse? At some point you decide that you could not let it go on, so you took your iPhone and went in through the front door unannounced. Without knocking you entered with your iPhone filming. 
This is basically what happened at a daycare facility in New York State. (A YouTube is available.)

Yes, indeed the child abuse was caught on a video.. There they were – the screaming child, sitting on the floor, the daycare workers struggling to put a face mask on the crying child. Every time they got it on him, the decibel level significantly increased … “help, help” …”no, no!” and he immediately ripped the face mask off.

Was this child abuse? On the surface, it sure looked like it. What the aides were doing was certainly causing distress for the child, and they just kept doing the same thing … over and over and over. 

Why? … because it is the law! Someone belonging to that omnipotent “they” has decided that two year olds have to wear masks all the time in a daycare facility. I wondered where “they” found this information? Was it from a study? Or did “they” just wing it? My guess is that it was the latter, and for sure, “they” did not have a two year old at home.

In my opinion forcing a screaming two year old to wear a mask is indeed child abuse, whether it is in a daycare facility or on an airplane. Forcing any toddler to wear a face mask inside for hours at a time is not only cruel but nonsensical!



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