“He said what?”

One would think that it’s a bit early for their typical “October surprise,” as it’s only January. However this is not the usual run of the mill January, because it is the day before the next Democrat “debate,” and it is only a few weeks until the Iowa primary. Somebody in the Warren camp must have a bad feeling about the present status of their candidate. Perhaps a sense of panic. At least that is what it now sounds like. 

Consider the following:

Who stands to benefit from this latest unsubstantiated rumor? Certainly not Bernie, as this strategic missile is aimed directly at him, and most of the collateral damage is dependent on progressive Democrat females taking offense at his supposed remarks. I can envision the conversation of some of these liberal women sounding something like this . . . “He said what? And he said it right to her face? He’s got a lot of nerve! How dare he!“ You get the idea!
Now Bernie is in a real pickle. Of course, he has already denied that he said any such thing, but since no independent observer can affirm or deny the accusation, he is stuck with trying to prove a negative which is never a good strategy. Whether Bernie actually believes that a woman cannot beat President Trump is really a mute point at this juncture. The rumor is now out there, and the damage to his campaign growing.

Just for the record, Warren’s communications director Kristen Orthman has declined to comment. . . why comment one way or the other!? – just let innuendo take its course. At some point I would anticipate Warren to deny any culpability in this episode, but from her perspective . . . why hurry?!

To be clear if this was just a outlier, I could gloss over it. However, this is a tactic that is right out of the standard Democrat playbook. The difference here is that this “October surprise” was pulled against another Democrat.

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