He’s No Judge Judy

By pure serendipity some envelopes with the name Judge André Birotte Jr. have come into my possession. These unstamped envelopes were most likely found on the ground near the U.S.courthouse in Los Angeles where Judge Birotte has his courtroom. Last week this judge issued a ruling that said that police violate the Constitution if they detain inmates at the request of immigration agents. His ruling was 48 pages long . . . he’s no Judge Judy who is known for her brevity.
Yes, that is the same Judge Birotte who in February, 2017 issued a temporary restraining order against the executive order that President Trump signed in January, 2017. Not surprisingly, he was appointed as a federal district judge by Barack Obama in 2014 . . . after B.O. had first appointed him as U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California in 2010.
Gee, I wonder if he’s a liberal?

Anyway, inside the envelopes were these three letters. (I have purposely not included the names of those who wrote these letters.)
The first one said, “Please do not make it so that these inmates can come back into my community. They are a major problem in our neighborhood. I beg you to allow ICE to take them into custody so that they cannot recruit my sons into their street gang.”

The second one said, “¡No entiendo! Por favor, seńor, no queremos este hombres en nuestro barrio. Gracias.”

The third one said, “If you release these crooks from jail, they will return to see their friends in this area. When this happens, the federal authorities will soon follow, looking for them. This is a sure way to have some of my neighbors and my good friends arrested and deported. Why do you favor these bad men over us decent hard-working people?”

I put these letters into a stamped envelope and addressed it properly:
Judge André Birotte Jr.
Courtroom 7B
350 West First St.
Los Angeles, CA

Perhaps he will read these letters and then understand how the unforeseen consequences of his liberal leanings are hurting those who he is trying to help. He is certainly no Judge Judy who is known for the wisdom of her rulings. I hope that he reads these letters before his latest ruling is overturned by a higher court . . . he’s no Judge Judy here either, as I do not think that her rulings have ever been overturned!

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