Haircuts and Shoeshines

This morning I was reminded of the beginning of that Don McLean song American Pie:

“A long, long time ago

I can still remember how …”

What brought this to mind was what a Navy Captain told me many many years ago concerning leadership. He said, “Those that can … do, and those that can’t, concentrate on haircuts and shoeshines.” In other words an effective leader concentrates on those things that are important, while an ineffective leader focuses on those things which are of much lesser importance. The poor leader will tell someone to get a haircut despite the fact that there are multiple more important issues on which he/she should be focusing his/her attention.

And this leads me to Lori Lightfoot who continues to pretend to be the Mayor of Chicago. For those unaware, this past weekend was another horrific weekend in terms of mayhem in the city with at least 66 victims shot and eight killed. Worse however, one police officer is dead and another is in critical condition after they were shot in the line of duty during a Saturday evening traffic stop. The dead officer is 29 year old Ella French. A second officer, her partner, is in critical condition after being shot during that same encounter.

The mayor did declare a public day of mourning in the city, but because she is a Democrat could not resist blaming guns for the city’s out of control violence, as she tweeted, “we have a common enemy: it’s guns & the violence they bring.” Isn’t this just another example of placing the blame on some nefarious others … those nasty gunrunners? Perhaps Ms. Lightfoot is not aware that Chicago has one of the most strict gun control laws in the country.

It should be apparent to anyone who really knows that the main problem here is related to gangs. Gangs were a problem in Chicago way back when I lived there and this gang problem has since gotten logarithmically worse under incessant liberal Democrat control. I did not hear the Mayor of Chicago mention “gangs,” or family disintegration as baseline causes of the violence.

Amazingly she added in a follow up tweet, “Some say we don’t do enough for the police. Others say we do too much. All of this must stop.” Hmmm! As I recall it was Mayor Lori and her liberal cronies who were recently beating the drums proclaiming that the police were the problem.

To me it is obvious that Ms. Lightfoot is indeed a lightweight. Under her leadership violent crime has skyrocketed … in 2020, the murder rate in Chicago spiked 50%.

However, all is not lost? One of my inside sources tells me that tomorrow she will be making an announcement concerning haircuts and shoeshines.


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