Gustavo Garcia, SB54 and Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

Some people in Tulare County are having a happy new year, because they are happy to still be alive, whereas others in Tulare County are not having a happy new year because their friend or family member is dead because of Gustavo Garcia and California’s sanctuary state law. Have you heard of Gustavo Garcia? If you live in San Diego and possibly in other areas of California that have liberal newspapers, you probably have not, because the story of Mr. Garcia goes against the religion of leftism that is prevalent in many areas of California. (I sent a letter to the editor about the hell that broke loose in Tulare  County as a result of California’s sanctuary state policy and Gustavo Garcia. Of course now 1 week later, it has not been printed . . .  no surprise!) Gustavo Garcia was an illegal. However, not only was he an illegal, but he had been deported  twice, and also had a prior felony conviction for which he served time over fifteen years ago. After his last arrest in 2014, he was deported . . . but wallah, he was back in California, and was arrested in Tulare County on 12/13/18 because he was behaving erratically. ICE learned he was in custody and issued an immigration hold. However, even though he tested positive for a controlled substance, he was released after ten hours.

Why? Because in 2017 the Democrats in Sacramento passed SB54 and the Democratic Governor, Jerry Brown, signed it into law . . . effectively making California a “sanctuary state.” Before S.B.54 Mr. Garcia would have been turned over to ICE, but as the Tulare County Sheriff stated, “After S.B.54 we no longer have the power to do that.”Now to me this dude is a bad dude. He is not your run-of-the-mill innocent hard working illegal who was arrested for some minor offense. He is not some “good Joe” (or perhaps, I should say, “good Jose”), who was arrested merely because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Gustavo Garcia is a bad dude. However because he was arrested for a misdemeanor, those lawmakers who authored S.B.54 ( inexplicably named “California Values Act”) deemed it best to release this type of individual, bad dude or not!

Within 24 hours of his release Mr. Garcia would shoot and kill a man in Visalia, rob a convenience store of $2000 while firing several shots, steal a GMC truck, fire shots at a patrol car, and lead police on a high speed chase at speeds over 100 mph, and while driving the wrong way on Hwy. 65, smashing into multiple cars, injuring four people who were subsequently hospitalized. Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux placed the blame for this senseless carnage on S.B.54. “The tool (of coordinating with ICE) has been removed from our hands. And because of that our county was shot-up by a violent criminal.”

Now I can almost hear Governor Brown and his Democratic cronies say that “nothing is perfect, and there will always be some unforeseen consequences!” However what we will never hear from these liberal lawmakers is an apology. A Christmas apology to the friends and family of the dead man in Visalia, and likewise we will never hear anything close to an apology to those injured in Tulare County because their “California Values Act” allowed Gustavo Garcia to be set free instead of being turned over to I.C.E!

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