Grove City, Pa.

As one travels north past Slippery Rock about an hour out of Pittsburgh on I-79, one gets to Grove City, Pa. which is the home of Grove City College. (I can hear the catcalls of ‘OMG! Who cares about a tiny college in podunk-ville, Pa.’) Actually, Grove City College is routinely ranked as one of the country’s top colleges by U.S. News & World Report and The Princeton Review, to name a few. It advertises itself as a Christian learning and living experience defined by academic excellence and traditional American values. 

Whoa … whoa-cubed! That’s something that one does not read about or hear about in the Main Stream Media these days . . . “traditional American values!” My guess would be that most college students or recent college graduates these days do not have a clue as to what the term, “traditional American values” really means. (Oh well, a topic for another day.)

I heard about Grove City College (GCC) when I read an article by Paul Kengor in Crisis magazine. He is a Professor of Political Science at GCC, and the article is entitled, “In Persona Pelosi,” . . . and it is about you know who.

Professor Kengor points out that he has covered Nancy Pelosi for years, and he has dealt with a long list of egregious remarks from the Catholic congresswoman. That includes the infamous exchange in June 2013 when an annoyed Pelosi told a reporter asking about her defense of late-term abortion, “as a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me.” (For those not familiar with “late term abortion,” please see my 5/18/21 essay on this subject.) Although this might be her most audacious statement yet, her recent statement concerning pro-abortion “Catholic” politicians, including herself, and the reception of Holy Communion, has to rank right up there on the self-righteous politician hypocrisy scale. 

This was Pelosi’s response when recently asked about this: 

“I think I can use my own judgment on that.” 

(To me that’s like asking the wolf about his concerns for the chickens in the hen-house!) 

As Kengor points out: “To Pelosi, neither the CDF nor the Vatican nor the pope nor her bishop nor her priest have the say on whether she receives communion. She does. She alone does.”

Unfortunately, or perhaps to some, fortunately, “her own judgement” will come up at some future judgement . . . the Last Judgement. At that time I would not want to be the lawyer arguing her case.

A much more common, but related, and not talked about issue, has to do with Catholics who vote for politicians who they know to be obviously and unabashedly pro-abortion. Personally, I wouldn’t want to be their lawyer either.

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