Green Passports ?

The Biden administration is reportedly working with private companies to develop a uniform way of handling credentials, or “vaccine passports,” (Green Passports) for people who have received all doses of a coronavirus vaccine, the Washington Post first reported on 3/28/21.

Jeff Zients, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, plans to announce updates within the next few weeks on the new way to determine who has or has not been vaccinated, an official told the outlet.

Although the White House has avoided answering questions on the initiative, Zients said during a March 12 briefing, “Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people’s privacy.”

This idea of a “passport” follows New York’s initiation of the Excelsior Pass, which according to Governor Cuomo, is a free platform for businesses & individuals that can be used to easily access secure proof of a recent negative COVID test or vaccination. 

Are these so-called Green Passports a good idea or a bad idea? At this point those on the left seem to be saying ,” a good idea,” whereas those on the right seem to be saying, “a bad idea.” For instance Governor DeSantis of Florida said, “It’s completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply participate in normal society.”

So it seems that the gauntlet has been laid down. Luckily we have a President who proclaims to be a unifier. Maybe he, or whomever is making the decisions for him, can figure out a compromise.

Surprise, I do have a compromise!

I say, “Proceed full speed ahead with the making of these Green Passports!” They would, of course, need to be fool-proof and not able to be counterfeited. The addition of a picture would be mandatory, and perhaps the addition of a thumbprint, just to be sure that these Green Passports would not be be able to be put on the black market. Since not all people have access to computers, in order to guarantee that everyone could easily get one of these Green Passports, I would mandate that every post office in the U.S. have the capability to formulate and then laminate a Green Passport for every citizen. To be of practical value, these Green Passports would have to be made available quickly . . . let’s say in the next six months. 

The businesses in the private sector could then individually determine if they were to do business only with those individuals that are carrying a Green Passport. 

What’s wrong with that? It would be up to individual businesses to decide.

It would be a safe and easy way to insure that individuals could prove they are who they say they are. The quicker these Green Passports are available, the better. In fact within one year it would be mandatory that everyone have one. In one year I would assume that anyone who wanted a vaccine would have gotten it. Those who choose not to be vaccinated would have to pay the consequences of not having a Green Passport.

Hopefully, everyone will have their own Green Passport I.D., so that they could be used in verifying the identity of prospective voters throughout the U.S. in the 2022 elections.

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