Going Off the Deep End

Just today I came across two different things that made me shake my head and say to myself, “Really! Is this representative of who is educating our children ?” First, let me be very upfront about my feelings about teachers . . . for the most part, they are saints!

But I get concerned when I read about those in school administration who seem to be multiple standard deviations from what I would refer to as normal. I hope that these following two episodes of “going off the deep end” are outliers, but two different episodes in one day makes me wonder.

These two incidents involving going off the deep end were not from the usual bastions of liberalism like San Francisco or New York City, but were from places that I would consider to be bastions of normalcy.

The first comes from Elkhorn, Nebraska where a grade school principal, Jennifer Sinclair at Omaha Manchester Elementary School went off the deep end! She was doing her best to go from a princi-pal to a princi-ple-maker when she in essence banned Christmas at her school. A few of the things that she banned included:

  • Christmas trees in classrooms
  • Santas or Christmas items (clipart) on worksheets
  • Singing Christmas Carols [?White Christmas, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas, Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, A Holly Jolly Christmas, or I’ll be home for Christmas?]
  • Playing Christmas music
  • Elf on the Shelf – that’s Christmas-related

But she didn’t stop there, and this is where she goes from being a grinch to being a wacko. Sinclair’s list had more:

  • Sending a Scholastic book that is a Christmas book 
  • Making a Christmas ornament as a gift – (This assumes that the family has a Christmas tree which assumes they celebrate Christmas.)                                           And the ultimate topper . . .
  • Candy Canes  “Historically, the shape is a ‘J’ for Jesus”. This conclusion cannot be considered to be included in any umpteen standard deviations from normal!

Ms. Sinclair defended her extreme position by saying that students need to learn to be “inclusive and culturally sensitive to all of our students.” Wow! Keep in mind that this is in Nebraska!

The second episode has no segue to the first other than they are both examples of liberalism going off the deep end. This episode occurred in Florida at Chasio Middle School where a school administrator reprimanded and threatened to transfer a P.E. teacher and coach who refused to oversee a biological female student, who “identifies” as male, get undressed in the boy’s locker room. Apparently the school district LGBT liaison agreed that the P.E. teacher was “not doing his job in the locker room!” What the hell is a “school district LGBT liaison?” Do the school district also have a normal people liaison? I want a liaison!

Where do these people get the idea that this type of behavior is indeed good for their liberal cause? Well perhaps they are listening when the leaders of the Democratic Party speak. Just this week Tom Perez, The Chairman of the DNC, made a statement that shows that going off the deep end is not restricted to school administrators in Nebraska and Florida. He said that, in essence, church goers vote for the G.O.P. because they buy what they hear from the pulpit which is their only source of information! This sounds familiarly similar to Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” comment which sunk her in the deep end! My advice to Tom Perez, “Keep talking, Tom.”

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