Going, Going, Gone ? … Not So Fast!

The suspicion many years ago was that smoking was bad for one’s health, and indeed this proved to be true. In 1964, the U.S. Surgeon General released the first report on the health effects of smoking. After reviewing more than 7,000 articles in the medical literature, the Surgeon General concluded that smoking caused lung cancer and bronchitis. 

However, back in the day lawmakers did not totally ban cigarettes, but issued warnings about the dangers of smoking cigarettes. This then led to a concept that is apparently foreign to some in positions of authority today. Back then they informed individuals of the risks and then let the individual decide what he/she wants to do. They decided either to stop smoking or to continue to smoke. Whatever they chose, they made their own decision. After all this is America … or rather it was back in the 1960s.

Nowadays however, “those that know best” have not only decided that they absolutely know what is best for everyone, but they also feel empowered to make choices for the rest of us. In California the Dems in Sacramento feel that it is their duty to decide what foods and candy the citizens of California will be allowed to legally purchase within the authoritarian state of California. This is not recognizable as the America I once knew.

Nationally, the latest “we know what is best for everyone” is about gas stoves.

From The Epoch Times:

“The Department of Energy on Feb. 1 proposed a rule that would be a first-ever efficiency regulation for cooking appliances in the United States, setting new standards for both electric and gas cooking tops. The proposed rule was followed by an updated DOE analysis in late February that said about half of gas stove models currently being sold in the country wouldn’t be in compliance.

The DOE has not been the only Biden administration entity that had been targeting gas stoves.

In December 2022, Richard Trumka Jr., chief of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), said the federal government should ban gas stoves due to health concerns. He repeated the sentiment in January when he also said his agency was considering banning gas stoves.

A leaked memo showed that Trumka, who was nominated by President Joe Biden, wanted to ban gas stoves as early as October 2022.

‘There is sufficient information available for CPSC to issue [a notice of proposed rulemaking] in [fiscal year] 2023 proposing to ban gas stoves in homes,’ Trumka said in the memo.

Republicans have introduced bills to preemptively block any laws that would restrict gas stoves—the Save our Gas Stoves Act (pdf), introduced by Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.), and the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, introduced by Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.).

These bills make it clear that Americans should decide if a gas stove is right for their families, not the federal government.”

This is more like the America I once knew!


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