Go East, Young Man

Google has apparently bought 1200 acres of land upon which they will eventually build a data center. This piece of property is just a few miles south of Tesla’s 3200 acres where it is building its 10 million square feet battery factory. At this point you are probably saying, “Good for California, as these big companies will bring many, many new jobs and a much needed new business tax base into the Golden State”.

“Whoa there, big fella!”

Google has bought this large parcel of land, not in California, but just east of Reno, Nevada, in the 107,000 acre Tahoe Reno Industrial Center, which is home to over 100 companies. These companies range from A (Aqua Metals Inc.) to Z ( Zulily Inc.) and include American Red Cross, eBay Commerce,  PPG (Pittsburgh Paints), and a Wal-Mart Distribution Center.

Why Nevada, and why not California? After all Reno is in the middle of nowhere, and is basically desert. The answer is actually quite simple: Nevada is business friendly whereas California is not. Nevada has a favorable tax structure, a legal system that works in favor of business, as well as business friendly laws. In terms of being ‘Entrepreneur Friendly’, Nevada ranks 3rd (behind only North Dakota and Texas) whereas California ranks a dismal 49th, only ahead of New Jersey and Washington D.C.

If you need more reasons why businesses love Nevada, look on a Nevada Business website where it touts one of the main reasons why companies should come to Nevada . . . “We’re close to California!”

So if you are young and want to improve your prospects for the future –

“Go east, young man, go east!”

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