Global Warming – Campbell 2

This week I am going to continue to repeat actual science about “global warming,” taken from a long piece in Rip’s Newsletter by Terry M. Campbell. To continue:

“All major temperature variances are caused by the following physical cycles, each cycle containing all of the previous cycles: 1st cycle (24-hour or one-day-cycle – rotating): This first weather cycle is determined by the earth rotating on its axis; hence we have the temperature variance between cooler nights and warmer days.   Absence of sun’s energy versus direct exposure to the sun’s energy. 2nd cycle (365 ¼ day or one-year cycle – orbital):  This second cycle is determined by the earth’s rotation around the sun, which is manifested by the weather changes we refer to as the four seasons (summer, fall, winter, and spring).  These weather changes occur because of the earth’s axis tilt in its position in its orbit around the sun.  It is warmer in the northern hemisphere while it is cooler in the southern hemisphere and vice versa (axis tilt). 3rd cycle (an 11 year with a sliding variable beginning cycle – sunspots): This cycle is another natural factor that has a large short-term effect on our weather.  It is the variance in the energy released by the sun.  This variance in the energy from the sun, some people refer to this as sunspots or no sun spots, causes the temperature to rise or fall.  The more sunspots the warmer the temperature and the fewer sunspots the cooler the weather.   Most of the sunspots are around the equator of our spinning sun that we are orbiting around in the same direction.  The current surface of the sun facing the earth has very few sunspots, therefore this is one of the reasons the temperature is slightly cooling and has been for the past thirty years, with some exceptions.  Heavy sunspot activity is credited for slight global warming in the 1980s, what there was of it.  In the highly publicized global warming swindle, they never mention sunspots.  Records of solar activity have been kept quite accurately for hundreds of years. It’s also amazing that the sunspot activity mirrors the short-term (years to tens of years) temperature as it rises and falls. Could it be that that big fireball in the sky has something to do with the temperature here on earth?  One of the side effects of sunspots is the disruption in our communication system, mainly satellite interference. 4th cycle (26,000-year-cycle – axis wobble):  The next predictable cycle is determined by the variance in the earth’s rotation on its axis (earth’s wobble on its axis).  The current tilt on the earth’s axis is causing the summers to be warmer and cooler in the winter in the northern hemisphere and the opposite in the southern hemisphere.  This tilt is the reason for thirteen thousand (13,000) successive years of overall gradually warmer weather followed by thirteen thousand (13,000) successive years of gradually cooler weather in the northern hemisphere. This also causes the north to get warmer as the south to get colder and vice versa depending on the tilt of the earth on its axis.  The ice in Antarctica, a continent larger than North America, is getting thicker in many places.  The summer ice in artic is decreasing.  This balance of nature is keeping the sea levels constant.  This is due to the current tilt in the earth’s axis, nothing to do with so-called man-made global warming.  The North is currently getting warmer because it is closer to the sun.  The South is getting colder since it is pointing more away from the sun. 5th cycle (hundred thousand year-cycle – expanding/contracting orbit):  This cycle is the variation in earth’s orbit around the sun. This expansion/contraction is caused by the variances in the gravitational forces from the planets and other gravitational forces as we move through space.  Currently, the earth’s orbit around the sun is slowly lengthening.   Therefore, the entire earth is gradually cooling, because it is gradually moving farther from the sun.  This is the longest period weather cycle.  This variance has caused the many ice ages and long periods of extreme heat that formed most of our deserts over the last few hundred thousand years.  The longest period, that we have data on, goes back a little less than six hundred thousand (>600,000) years.  During this period, there have been five (5) major ice ages, spaced a hundred thousand (100,000) years apart.  Each ice age lasted only a few hundred years, almost eliminating all life on this planet.  But there were thousands of years of major warming periods between each, with no fossil fuels being used, when life flourished.  The last major ice age ended ten thousand (10,000) years ago and there has been gradual warming ever since, with minor fluctuations up and down. “These are the physical things that cause most of the temperatures on earth to constantly change.  The climate (temperature) is never stagnating, it is continually changing because the earth is never standing still in reference to our spinning sun, our heat source.  Bottom line: “Most major climate changes are the direct result of the earth’s axis wobble, orbital eccentricities of Earth, and variations in the sun’s energy output.”  Climate change is a natural phenomenon, not something that can be altered by us mere mortals.  There is one more physical entity that affects the weather of the various hemispheres, but not globally.  This is the ocean currents.  Their temperature, volume, direction, and speed have a large effect on local weather but are globally neutral.”

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