Global Cooling ?

I have not ever written about climate change because I do not profess to be an expert in this area and I do have a lot of interest in it. However, I just viewed a video of a presentation by Peter Temple. I had never heard of Peter Temple, so I looked him up.

He is a Futurist, Market Analyst. He helps executives and entrepreneurs understand cycles and how they affect the economy, specific businesses, climate, social mood, trends, and a host of other important aspects of the economic landscape.

He is a marketing/advertising executive, past-president and managing partner in Canada’s largest retail advertising agency. They focus on marketing, presentations, and television-related media. One of the multiple companies that his firm has worked with is an oil company, and so, of course, those that do not agree with his perspective and his theories on history and climate cycles, call him a shill for the oil companies. (FYI: I always get suspicious when one who disagrees with someone resorts to an “ad hominem” attack, instead of arguing and discussing what the other person says.) Hmmm.

Anyway Peter Temple’s entire point is that we should be paying more attention to climate history as history does have a peculiar tendency to repeat itself. He states that the climate pattern has followed cycles for thousands and thousands of years, and shows two impressive cyclical graphs to demonstrate his point.

The first graph is over the last 11,000 years. This demonstrates a sinusoidal pattern of a warm period followed by a cold period followed by a warm period, etc . . . for 11,000 years. According to this graph we are now in the “modern warm period,” and over the next extended climate cycle, it will be getting cooler and drier. In other words based on past historical cycles, the earth will be entering into a period of cooling – not warming.

The second graph is based on the work of Dr. Raymond Wheeler in the early 1900s. Dr. Wheeler and his team of 200 researchers studied climate, and identified major climate cycles over thousands of years back to 600 B.C. Dr. Wheeler felt that these climate cycles recurred in periods of 172 years and 1030 years, and indeed over the last 4000 years, this cyclical pattern seems to be what studies of Greenland Ice Cores also demonstrate. 

Instead of predicting a future period of “global warming,” Mr. Temple is predicting a period of “global cooling” that could last for hundreds of years.

Not to be repetitive, but as I do not consider myself to be someone with a lot of expertise on climate. I am not buying or selling anything here. My suggestion is for each of you to watch Peter Temple’s YouTube video about “172 year climate cycles.”

I predict you will find it very cool . . . no pun intended.

My suggestion is that we, our country, have a summit or a panel, or at least an open discussion on this issue so that everyone can see the facts and make a decision on the veracity of either “global warming,” “global cooling,” or “climate change.” How hard could it be for Fox, CNN, and  CBS to devote two hours for three consecutive nights to this topic? The viewership for this would break records, and anyone who could not view all six total hours on these three nights could access this forever on YouTube.

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