“Freedom” … and Lack Thereof !

My question to all of you readers:

“If you believe in freedom, what are you personally doing to stand up for your freedoms?”

From Freedom Wire:

“In New York City thousands of New York workers showed the world that freedom is THEIR focus when they marched across the Brooklyn Bridge in protest of the vaccine mandate made by Bill de Blasio for city workers, set to go into effect on November 1.

One protestor, retired FDNY Lt. James Finnegan, told a local news outlet, “This is not ‘following the science,’ this is like totalitarianism. He [de Blasio] doesn’t remember that when it started a year and a half ago, we worked through it all. Ok? I got my family sick. Really what they’re doing is forcing their will on people at this point, and that’s what I’m against. I don’t really have a problem with people taking the vaccine, if that’s what they want to do.”

Everything he’s said is 100% correct.


What’s more troubling than these people having to march for their freedom of choice is the fact that not ONE major news outlet reported on what happened in the city that day. Sure, local news outlets reported on it…but none of the major news outlets did.”

How is it that citizens marching for “freedom” is not newsworthy? Hmmm!

From Townhall:

In Congress a group of Republican Senators are trying to do something to preserve our “freedoms.” Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R) introduced legislation Tuesday that would exempt essential workers from losing their jobs over President Joe Biden’s executive orders mandating the shots for most U.S. employees in the public and private sector.

The Keeping Our COVID-19 Heroes Employed Act is co-sponsored by GOP Sens. Jim Inhofe (OK), Bill Haggerty (TN), Cynthia Lummis (WY), Mike Braun (IN), Tommy Tuberville (AL) and Ron Johnson (WI).”

Think for a second about the absurdity of this as Congress might be  forced to vote on whether or not Americans should have “freedom!!”

Of course Senator Blackburn wants to force the Democrats in Congress to potentially vote against “freedom.” This is especially absurd when one considers that President Biden would have to sign it for it to become law … yes, the same Joe Biden who is trying to take away our “freedoms” with his mandates. How did we, as a country, get to the point that “freedom” would need to be legislated on ?

Again my question to all of you readers:

“If you believe in freedom, what are you personally doing to stand up for freedom?”

Me? I feel that I am doing my part by blogging about freedom and the present lack thereof. May I suggest that you readers can do a small part by passing this “freedom blog” to your mailing list.

Remember what Albert Einstein said, “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” 



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