For What It’s Worth

For what it’s worth, I am always on the lookout for good polling news, as it doesn’t happen very often.

Again for what it’s worth, there is reason to be somewhat optimistic, now only eight day before the upcoming 11/3/20 election. The following is from The Daily Caller:

President Donald Trump is narrowly leading Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in Monday’s, 10/26/20, Rasmussen Reports’ daily White House Watch poll.

Trump, with 48%, snuck past Biden, who garnered 47%, in the latest poll among likely U.S. voters. Monday’s poll marks a difference from just last week, where Wednesday saw Biden ahead 49% to 46%, Rasmussen reported.

Monday marks the first time Trump has notched a lead since mid-September, according to the report. The president has 84% support with Republicans and Biden has 77% of support from Democrats. The president is also ahead by seven points with voters who don’t identify as Republican or Democrat, according to the survey.

The poll surveyed 1,500 likely U.S. voters and was conducted on Oct. 21-22 and 25. There is a margin of sampling error of +/- 2.5% points and Rasmussen cited a 95% level of confidence.

However, many other polls are seeing Biden maintain a substantial lead, although some have indicated that Trump is narrowing the playing field.

For what it’s worth, Trafalgar has some new polling in some of the critical states:


 Post Debate Poll:


Trump 49% (+2)

Biden 47%

Jorgensen 2%


Trump 49% (+2)

Biden 47%

Jorgensen 2%


Trump 50% (+3)

Biden 47%

Jorgensen 2%

If Trafalgar is to be believed, these three predictions are indeed good news.

So far, I have not made my official prediction. It will be coming out in 5-6 days, as my polling is not yet complete.

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