What To Focus On ?

I just read that the Democrats want to make the midterm elections about character and behavior! Of course they are trying to make the focus of the upcoming elections  the behavior and character not of themselves, but of President Trump. They cannot afford to draw any focus onto their own behavior and character after the recent debacle in the Senate confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.

While Democrats want to make Trump the focus in the upcoming midterms, the Republicans want to focus on the economy. The recent rise in President Trump’s poll numbers (now with a 51% approval rating) are undoubtedly related to the economy, and the September numbers that just came out only demonstrate that the Republican focus is right on.
You may not be aware of the following stats if you get your news from CNN or MSNBC, but they are so impressive that they are worth detailing here.

1. The most recent numbers show the unemployment rate fell to 3.7%, the lowest rate since December, 1969. According to the Wall Street Journal unemployment rates less than 4% have been extremely rare in the 70 years of modern record keeping. In addition, Federal Reserve officials project that the jobless rate will drop to 3.5% next year and remain below 4% through 2021.

2. Again from the WSJ, in September 134,000 jobs were added, a record 9th straight month of gains. Job gains for July and August were revised up, pushing the average number of workers added to payrolls each month this year to 211,000, outpacing average monthly growth of 182,000 in 2017.
3. Likewise wages rose 2.8% from a year earlier. The low unemployment rate is creating some worker shortages for both high-skilled and low-skilled workers as well as blue collar workers whose wages typically lag behind. In fact wages in blue collar industries, such as construction and maintenance have risen more in recent quarters than wages in white-collar management jobs. The lowest paid Americans saw weekly earnings grow by more than 5% in the second quarter compared to a year earlier, more than the national median gain of 1.7% for all workers. Workers with less that a high school diploma saw their wages grow almost 6%.
Almost lost in this wave of good economic news was the fact that according  to CNSNews:
The number of people employed by the federal government declined by 1,000 in September, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Since President Donald Trump took office, federal employment has declined by 16,000, and this is significant as President Trump had made it a priority to reduce the size of the federal government, and this new report suggests he is succeeding here also.
Back to character, I want to focus here on Joe Manchin, the Democratic Senator From West Virginia. I will go out on a limb and predict that Joe Manchin will be the only Democratic Senator re-elected in this November’s election. He stood tall amongst his fellow Democrat parasites, and the electorate notices these things. He proved that a “Decent Democratic Senator” is not a total oxymoron!
Going further out on the proverbial precarious limb, I would not be surprised if Sen. Manchin ultimately switches parties.
Focus on this: “Joe Manchin, R, WV!”

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