Focus !

Press secretary Sarah Sanders took questions outside the White House on 7/23/18, including one from a reporter who asked if the president was trying to “change the subject” from Russia to Iran. Sanders said bluntly that Trump can focus on two things at once, unlike the media.

“I think the president has the ability, unlike a lot of those in the media, to actually focus on more than one issue at a time,” Sanders quipped, “and certainly we know the media’s obsessed with speaking about all Russia . . .”
As I read this, I applauded her quick wit as it is the Main Stream Media who seem to be unable to shift focus, when unscripted news occurs. For instance, here in San Diego, our local liberal NYT & WaPo wannabe seems to be in a rut. The only Trump related stories that make the front page are those that they can put a negative spin on. For example, “President Threatens Stripping Security Clearances” was on the front page whereas on the same day, “N. Korea Begins To Dismantle Test Site” was buried inside with a much smaller headline font size. And one day last week, on the front page was “ Lawyer Secretly Recorded Talk With Trump” . . . I mean really, “Who cares! Focus?”
Today the story that should have been on the front page was the news that retailers are significantly increasing their hiring of seasonal workers this year. For those in the community that are struggling to make ends meet, this is real news . . . real news that matters . . . Good news that they can focus on!
There are 776,000 retail job openings this year, compared to 654,000 last year and 352,000 in 2012. This year retailers are already posting help-wanted ads for their busy season, weeks or even months earlier than usual. As the chief executive of the National Retail Federation Trade Group, Jack Kleinhenz, said, “The jobs machine in the U.S. has really kicked in, and that includes retail.” This year seasonal workers have the best prospects in years due to the strong U.S. economy and the strong unemployment picture. (Here in California, the unemployment rate in June was 4.2%, which is the record low since these statistics started being recorded in 1976.)
Why isn’t this story on the front page? The answer, of course, is the unwritten liberal rule of never focusing on any good Trump related news, and especially not on the front page! Sarah Sanders is right again, as it appears to be beyond the scope of the “media’s expertise” to focus on anything pro-Trump.

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