Finally, Some Good News

In 2020 we are all due for some good news. 

Covid . . . bad news. Shutdowns . . .  bad news. Economic devastation for many . . . bad news. Protests . . . bad news. Riots and destruction of private property . . . bad news. Et cetera!

Good news? Is there any? Well, I am happy to say that today, I finally read some good news, some very good news, some very good news about the NBA. Yes, that same NBA that sided with China in the struggle for freedom in Hong Kong.

A headline from the Daily Wire:

Get Woke, Go Broke: NBA Ratings ‘Cratering’

Ratings for the NBA have dropped significantly as the professional sports league becomes increasingly “woke.”

In addition to obstacles presented by the coronavirus, a report from City Journal outlined the staggering ratings hit of the NBA because of its left-wing activism, most recently wearing social justice-themed warmups and jerseys and even postponing playoff games over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

As part of a racial justice initiative, NBA players have also been allowed to display a “social justice” word or phrase, selected from an approved list, on the back of their jerseys instead of their last names.

The approved list includes “Anti-Racist,” “Ally,” “Say Her Name,” “I Can’t Breathe,” “Enough,” “Black Lives Matter,” and “How Many More.”

“TV ratings, mediocre after the season restarted, are down collectively by 40 percent on the TNT network, and 20 percent on ESPN, since their peak nearly a decade ago.”

The report noted that the NBA’s “network TV premium broadcasts ratings on ABC are off by 45 percent,” which “a former public relations executive for the NBA describes as a ‘cratering’ of viewership,” per The Athletic.

“The lockdown will cost the NBA at least $1 billion in revenue, and an MLB study earlier this year projected a potential revenue decline of $4 billion from the shortened season,” City Journal noted. “And the poor TV ratings suggest that many sports viewers have missed watching NBA games less than the league might have anticipated.”

I understand that many of the  individual NBA players probably have opinions on what is happening. However, I, as a “fan” do not have to buy what the league is selling when they are forcing it down my throat. My not watching the NBA has nothing to do with whether the players are black, white, or yellow. When I sit down to watch sports, I am interested in sports, and not in political propaganda.

Although I will probably be criticized as being a schadenfreude concerning my view that the tanking NBA is “good news,” . . . my response – “sticks and stones, etc! 


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