
Finally a Supreme Court that has the balls to say something? Finally a Supreme Court that has come out of hiding. No it is not SCOTUS. SCOTUS has had multiple chances to say something . . .  say anything . . . relevant to the 2020 presidential election, but it has thus far done a poor imitation of the three Japanese monkeys, embodying the proverbial principle “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil“. This hackneyed phrase is often used to refer to those who deal with impropriety by turning a blind eye, while in reality the meaning in today’s world when referring to SCOTUS is, “they have a testosterone deficiency.”

From the Green Bay Press Gazette:

The Wisconsin Supreme Court (SCOW) on Wednesday, 3/31/21 blocked Gov. Tony Evers from issuing any new public health emergency orders mandating face masks without the Legislature’s approval.

In a 4-3 ruling, Supreme Court justices declared the statewide mask mandate invalid, with the conservative majority determining the Democratic governor exceeded his authority by issuing multiple 60-day orders for the same public health emergency.

In Wisconsin, state law says governors may issue health emergencies for 60 days at which point the Legislature must approve an extension. Evers has argued he may issue new emergencies because the pandemic’s threat has changed, similar to separate flooding events in the same river.

Writing for the majority, Justice Brian Hagedorn wrote “The question in this case is not whether the Governor acted wisely; it is whether he acted lawfully. We conclude he did not.”

In other words the SCOW basically stated that in Wisconsin there is a limit as to how often and how repeatedly a governor can extend various lockdowns – no matter what his/her pro-ported reasoning.

Imagine a court actually standing up for the rule of law. The people of Wisconsin have a right to be proud of their Supreme Court.

Finally will this sort of logical thinking spread to other State Supreme Courts? One can only hope . . . or perhaps if hope isn’t enough, add testosterone to the drinking water in selected state Capitol buildings.

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