
Finally someone is listening! This problem of school shootings has been a major issue since at least 1999 when the massacre of high school students occurred at Columbine High School. Since then there have been multiple similar incidents at schools, including grade schools, high schools, and colleges. Those on the left immediately go into the trite “ban the guns” mode, while those on the right revert to the “protecting second amendment rights” mode, and nothing gets done. Since 1999, the country has gone through eight years of a Republican president and eight years of a Democrat president, and nothing has been accomplished. We have had years of a Democrat Congress, and now we are into the second year of a Republican Congress, and nothing is getting done to try to solve this problem . . . until now.
Finally someone is trying to approach this problem without immediately going into the “ban-the-guns”/”protect second amendment rights” tug-a-war, in which no progress has been made.
On 2/22/2018, President Trump had a meeting with families that have been affected by gun violence in our schools. During this meeting President Trump did what he does very well . . . He listened. He spent more than one hour listening to parents and adolescents whose lives have been irreversibly altered by school shootings. He listened to parents of children killed at Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Parkland Stoneman Douglas. He listened to a student whose friend was killed at Stoneman Douglas. It was a respectful setting as opposed to the CNN quasi-political forum that morphed into a loud, angry, scripted, vengeful session that basically achieved nothing. At one point during the White House meeting Mr. Andrew Pollack, who daughter was murdered by Nikolas Cruz at the Parkland high school, made a practical point when he said that school safety needed to be the first priority, and then gun laws could be debated later. “How many schools, how many children have to get shot?”
At one point President Trump said, “We’ll solve this together.”
Finally, I realize that, for whatever reason, about half of the country does not approve of Donald Trump. So be it. But let’s give credit where credit is due, here he has stepped up to the plate whereas the past two two-term presidents have stayed in the on-deck circle. Since Columbine Congress has spent the last 19 years in the dugout, doing what they do very well . . . they have shouted back and forth, and have accomplished nothing with regard to this issue. Will President Trump accomplish anything substantial? It’s too early to tell, but he is in the game. Those of you who do not like our president should at least do what real Americans should do well . . . Get behind him on this issue, give him a chance, and hope that he can finally put a stop to these senseless shootings.

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