Fauci & Joe . . . Highlighting

To be honest right upfront, I stopped watching Fox News after they caved and sh**- on Donald Trump after the November election and the January Capitol riots. I used to have my DVD set to record Tucker Carlson every night . . . but like I said, I stopped watching Fox completely. 

However apparently Tucker is in a dueling match with the esteemed Dr. Fauci over the efficacy of vaccines.

Fauci specifically criticized Carlson questioning guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that recommended that vaccinated people continue to wear masks and conform to social distancing guidelines.

The other day Tucker said:

“If the vaccine is effective, there is no reason for people who have received the vaccine to wear masks or avoid physical contact. So maybe it doesn’t work, and they’re simply not telling you that.”

Fauci fired back some ludicrous comment aimed at Tucker who the responded to Fauci:

“If this stuff works, why can’t you live like it works? Why are you wearing a mask? Why can’t you eat in a restaurant? And if it doesn’t prevent you from catching the coronavirus, why are we taking it in the first place? Both can’t be true.”

Now I remember why liked Tucker Carlson back when I watched Fox News. He has got a very good point! What are your chances of catching Covid after being vaccinated?

“I caution everyone to remember, even as good as these vaccines are, no vaccine is perfect,” state Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen said.

While that’s true, new research shows the vaccines may be performing even better than expected.

A study published this week by the New England Journal of Medicine showed how rare so-called breakthrough cases — those who test positive for COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated — can be.

Researchers looked at more than 28,000 health-care workers in California who were fully vaccinated during the surge of cases earlier this year.

Only seven of them — 0.02 percent — tested positive for the coronavirus after more than two weeks had passed since they received their second dose of either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines.

And those who did have a positive test were either asymptomatic or had only mild symptoms.

Dr. David Wohl, an infectious disease specialist at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, called the results “clearly remarkable.”

In addition from the CDC:

Among more than 75 million fully vaccinated people in the US, just around 5,800 people reported a “breakthrough” infection, in which they became infected with the pandemic coronavirus despite being fully vaccinated.

The numbers suggest that breakthroughs occur at the teeny rate of less than 0.008 percent of fully vaccinated people—and that over 99.992 percent of those vaccinated have not contracted a SARS-CoV-2 infection.

It certainly appears that Tucker is right-on, and Fauci is . . . Wrong! But why is Fauci gaslighting? Why is he acting like a fox in the henhouse?

BTW: Can anyone explain to me why President Biden recently wore a mask at Arlington National Cemetery? He had  been fully vaccinated months before. There was nobody visible within six feet of him, and he was outdoors . . . pompously gaslighting!

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