“Fascist” … My A- -!

Prior to the other night I had never heard of Giorgia Meloni. Although I typically do not watch Tucker Carlson, I  happened to tune in to hear his opening, and it was all about Giorgia Meloni, who is the leader of the Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy). She  had just won an overwhelming victory, having been elected as Italy’s new prime minister.

Why would Giorgia Meloni be the sole topic of Carlson’s opening monologue? She is Italy’s new prime minister, but who cares? As pointed out by Carlson, Meloni’s victory could possibly indicate the reemergence of common sense, not only in Italy, but in other western countries.

To me, Giorgia Meloni, sounds like a rare politician who is embracing commonsensical positions … God, country, and family. (In a stunning speech Giorgia Meloni had said, “We will defend God, country and family.”)

However, to those on the left what Ms. Meloni represents is antithetical to what they are advocating for, namely no mention of God, no allegiance to country, and certainly no adherence to any family structure. Is it any wonder, that CBS/CNN referred to her as a ‘far right fascist.’ These days “fascist” is replacing “racist” as the go-to name for leftists to call anyone who actually does not believe in their far left agenda. 

When I discovered that both CBS & CNN referred to her as a far right fascist, I knew that Giorgia Meloni was someone that I should learn more about.

From an Epoch Times opinion piece by Roger Kimball:

“Meloni, founder and head of Italy’s Brothers of Italy party, is a euroskeptic. … To the left this makes her a heretic.

She objects to the effort of the people in charge of Project Europe to turn her into a “perfect consumer,” a “consumer slave.” … To the left this makes her a pariah.

Meloni refuses to be treated as a cipher, a number. … To the left this makes her a threat.

She proudly defines herself as “Italian, Christian, woman, mother.” … To the left this makes her a fascist.”

“Fascist” is what the major news networks want you to believe. Their stance seems to be, “if you cannot argue a position, just call them ‘fascist’.” “Fascist” is now becoming the primary replacement insult from the left … replacing “racist,” although neither has any basis in fact.

Giorgio Meloni sounds like a true contrarian who wants to make Italy great again! (MIGA!)

In a speech to the Vox party in Spain earlier this year, Meloni summarized her pro-life and pro-family platform: “Yes to natural families, no to the LGBT lobby, yes to sexual identity, no to gender ideology, yes to the culture of life, no to the abyss of death.”

“Fascist” … my ass!

I like her and hope that more like her emerge in other European countries.


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