Fantasy Camp!

“They act differently in Sacramento – which is almost a fantasy camp . . .”
Practically all of us who do not look through the rose-colored glasses of the Democrats have known this for years. It is indeed a fantasy camp on so many levels that to attempt to elucidate them now would take forever and a day. What is unusual about this quote is that it was spoken by Christine Pelosi, who is the leader of the California Women’s Democratic Caucus. Yes, she works in California’s State Capitol. Does that last name sound familiar? (I wonder if she also says, “You have to pass the bill to know what’s in it” when she is busy churning out some of the ridiculous legislation that comes out of Sacramento?)
This quote from Ms. Pelosi was in response to a letter from more than 140 women, including legislators, senior legislative aides, and lobbyists, who work in Sacramento.
This letter contends that sexual misconduct by powerful men in Sacramento is “pervasive.”
Wait just a minute! Are those the same powerful men in Sacramento, who pass bills telling the citizens of California how to behave?                                    Could they be misbehaving?

This letter states, “Each of us has endured, or witnessed or worked with women who have experienced some form of dehumanizing behavior by men in power in our workplaces.” This certainly suggests that we have an iceberg here with plenty more beneath the surface – a problem that cannot be fixed by electric cars or by marking ‘X’ on our driver’s licenses in the gender box.

Since California’s legislature is “pervasive” with Democrats, let’s make a guess as to who is probably involved in most of this alleged misconduct in this so called, ‘fantasy camp.’ Oh I am sure that some Republicans are involved , but all of us know that if this were “a Republican issue”, it would have come out and been in the news long ago – probably a week or so before the last election.
Remarkably, Democrat Anthony Rendon, speaker of the state assembly, came out with this ludicrous statement: “This letter shows that sexual harassment is as prevalent in the Capitol as it is anywhere else in society.”                              Which society is he referring to . . . Hollywood? Which workplace, other than that of a Democratic politician is he familiar with? It is truly amazing that the higher ups are already laying the groundwork for sweeping all of this under the proverbial rug as in “no big deal as boys will be boys!” He doesn’t mention anything about a fantasy camp.
Perhaps, “Drain the swamp” should be updated in California to “DRAIN THE CAMP.”

BTW I wonder if Christine Pelosi has confided any of this to her mother in the past.

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