Face Mask Folly

Is it the coronavirus or something else that causes people in authority to make up rules for the good of society because “they know best?” 

The diktats concerning face  masks are a prime example of what can happen when certain people feel that they are absolutely in charge . . . you will do what I say, because I am in charge.

In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a statewide mask mandate requiring pretty much everyone to wear a face covering when outside your home and near other people.

The CDPH Order requires people in California wear cloth face coverings in “high-risk situations,” which include: indoor public spaces, outdoor public spaces (when maintaining social distancing is not feasible), obtaining healthcare, using public transportation (including taxis and ride—share services), and engaging in work with members of the public. The Order exempts children under two years of age, persons who cannot wear a face covering due to a health issue.

Now, although I am not a pro-face mask person, I do understand that the wearing of face masks does provide comfort to those who are deathly afraid of catching the coronavirus. I am very doubtful that this type of mandate is constitutional, and I noticed that Joe Biden has quickly walked back his tough talk about commanding everyone to wear a mask, if he were to be elected.

I think that I have interpreted this mask mandate in a common sense way. Basically I wear a mask when I am in a situation where social distancing is not possible. I do not wear a mask in my car or in my house, or when taking out the garbage. If I am outside walking alone, I do not feel that a mask is called for, e.g. walking on the beach. (FYI: Yes, I have one ready, just in case a Karen comes walking by.)

If I were to be sitting in the stands at a football game, I would try to wear one – not so much because I think that masks do anything in outdoor settings, but “when in Rome.” If I was sitting with my family outdoors at a football game with no one within twenty feet in the stands, I would probably bite my tongue and put the stupid thing on . . . again “when in Rome”… but not because I thought it was doing any good.

If I were sitting in these same stands with no one near me, and I had asthma, I would not.

Now I freely admit that I am not familiar with the legality of mask diktats at middle school football games in Ohio. I am a very pro-Police individual, but was shocked when I viewed a video of a huge policeman, let’s arbitrarily call him, Ken Smith, harassing, then attempting to handcuff a 120 pound mother, and finally tasering the woman in the stands. . . all because she refused to wear a mask at an outdoor sporting event. Yes, I did say that she was tasered and subsequently arrested. This occurred in Logan, Ohio, and the video is posted on You tube. Supposedly she was arrested and tasered because she was “resisting arrest,” but clearly the whole incident was about her not wearing the face mask. 

Yes, she was resisting arrest, and in principle I do not agree with, or in any way encourage “resisting arrest.” Perhaps she could have been given a ticket for refusing to wear a mask at an outdoor football game. However, after watching the video, she did not attempt to pull a weapon on the burly police officer. As best I could tell she did not try to bite or spit on the officer. She did not attempt to hurt or injure the mammoth officer. Although there is no way of knowing 100%, it did not appear that she was high on either PCP or Fentanyl, as she was quietly sitting in the stands with probable family, possibly her mother and probably her children. As this time I do not believe that she was wanted on any felony charges. . . . yet she was tasered!

FYI: the arrested and tasered woman reportedly has asthma!

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