Expensive! … Who’s Really Paying?

There are a few things that we all know are true these days:

  • Private jets are very expensive, and two private jets are twice as expensive.
  • Getting from an airport to downtown is expensive, and even more expensive if one is being chauffeured.
  • Hotel rooms are expensive, especially hotel rooms in big cities.
  • Eating out at restaurants is increasingly expensive, especially if one is eating three meals a day at restaurants.
  • If one does not have a car, getting back and forth to “work” is expensive, whether it’s by taxi or by Uber. BTW, Renting a car these days in over-the-top expensive.
  • “Vacationing” for one day in a big city is expensive, and “vacationing” in a big city for approaching a week has to be quite an expensive way of “vacationing.”

On 7/12/21 at least 51 Democrats from the Texas House of Representatives fled to Washington D.C. to avoid doing their job in Texas.

By fleeing Texas these Democrats are insuring that a quorum cannot be reached, and if a quorum isn’t reached, no business, visa vi no votes can be carried out. (“If we Dems do not like what the majority wants, we are going to pout!”)

Am I surprised by this passive aggressive type of behavior? … No, not in the least, as passive-aggressiveness is listed as a synonym for “Democrat” in some thesauruses.

However, my question is “who is paying for all of this?” And furthermore how long are they going to stay out of Texas. Granted these rebels can continue to avoid coming back to Texas by staying in some place cheaper, like New Mexico, but the end of the present Texas legislative session is still more than three weeks away.

Again, “who is paying for all of this?” And if some liberal fat-cat is footing the bill, should all of these individual expenses to be considered earned income and taxed federally. (Texas has no state income tax.)


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