
We are all aware that Rochelle Walensky is the Director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Prior to being the head of the CDC, Prof. Rochelle P. Walensky, was the Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, Massachusetts General Hospital, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA.

We are all probably aware that Rochelle Walensky is the Director of the 

However, we are all probably not aware that in 2020, Rochelle Walensky was a signatory of the John Snow Memorandum which was a kind of rebuttal to the Great Barrington Declaration.

For those not familiar with the John Snow Memorandum the following is from BlazeMedia:

“The John Snow Memorandum endorsed the efficacy of lockdowns, denied evidence of natural immunity following COVID infection, and essentially acted as the blueprint for ‘zero COVID.’ All of these positions were, of course, resoundingly discredited in the ensuing years.

Walensky’s signing of the John Snow Memorandum was in keeping with what may be her most damning quote of all. In a radio interview just before being appointed as CDC director, Walensky contrasts Sweden’s light-handed response to COVID negatively with China’s ‘really strict lockdowns,’ and gives her stamp of approval to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) data purporting to show that the lockdown of Wuhan had succeeded in eliminating the virus from all of China.”

With her backing of China’s lockdown policy in Wuhan, and with her signing of the John Snow Memorandum, we should not have been at all surprised by some of the “I run the CDC, and I know best” things that she has done over the last few years.

Knowing that a zebra doesn’t change its stripes, no one should have been taken aback by some of the things that came out of her testimony before Congress last week.

Again from BlaseMedia:

“In just a few hours, Walensky managed to tell Congress that the CDC’s guidance to mandate masks in schools would never change regardless of new evidence, that the CDC had conducted no randomized controlled trials (RCTs) as to whether masks were effective because it was so obvious that they worked, and that COVID vaccines had been added to the child immunization schedule so they could be given to uninsured children.

“Walensky has a long history of testimonies nearly as terrible as these. Back in 2021, Walensky couldn’t explain to the Senate why the CDC hadn’t conducted any field studies on natural immunity from COVID.

And then there was the time when Walensky explained that the CDC’s initial bravado for vaccine passes, mandates, and grandiose promises about vaccine efficacy back in 2021 had been based on a ‘CNN feed’ claiming the vaccines were ‘95 percent effective.’

When asked about the efficacy of masks a Walensky quote tells me more than I need to know about Walensky s persona. 

From Twitter:

“I’m not sure anybody would have proposed a clinical trial because, in fact, there wasn’t equipoise to the question anymore.”

I would guess that 99+% of Americans are not familiar with the word, “equipoise.” Even after I looked it up, I still do not understand the meaning of her sentence. However, now I am cognizant of why I couldn’t understand the logic of what Walensky has been saying over the last few years … I don’t speak “Harvard-ese!”


150 Replies to ““Equipoise””

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