Embarrassing ?

Do Democratic politicians actually think that people of color are less intelligent than the general population? While the local press is in a tizzy over the California tradition of tossing tortillas … “it’s racist!”, they ignore how the Democrats imply that people of color just are not smart enough to obtain a photo I.D. Is this implication “racist?”

When the Democrats object to laws that attempt to guard against voter fraud, they imply that minorities, (actually, it is much more than just an implication!), specifically African-Americans, are being targeted by these laws. In essence they are saying that black people do not have the wherewithal to get a picture ID. In Mexico one needs a picture voter ID with a fingerprint to vote. Do the Democrats actually believe that black Americans cannot do something that is a standard in Mexico? Embarrassing ?

Should this be embarrassing for African Americans? Logically speaking this should depend on whether the implication is true or not. If it is true, then there is no reason to be embarrassed. Whereas if it is not true, then there is a valid reason to be embarrassed. (To me, I personally do not think that blacks are at a distinct intellectual disadvantage when it comes to being able to get a picture ID.)

(As an example, let’s take the generalization phrase, “white men can’t jump.” If it is a true statement, then there is no reason for a white man to be embarrassed by it. Whereas if it is not true, then there is. )

How do the people who are supposedly being “targeted” by voter ID laws actually feel about this issue? If they sincerely think that most of them are just too dense to get a photo ID, I would think that this should be apparent in polling data.

A survey from Monmouth University published on 6/21/21 indicates that 84 percent of minority respondents said they support “requiring voters to show a photo I.D. in order to vote.” The poll was conducted by phone from a six-day span from June 9 to June 14 among 810 U.S. adults.

Meanwhile, White non-Hispanic respondents were more likely to oppose requiring photo ID in order to cast a ballot, with just 77 percent indicating they support it. Overall, minorities favored strict identification requirements by a seven percent margin over Whites.

At this point one might ask who are those 23% of Whites who do not favor photo IDs to vote? With a high degree of likelihood, these are liberal Democrats … a group that “always” knows what is best for everyone! Is this group embarrassed by their racial presumption that minorities are just not smart enough to get a picture ID? . . . “Come on, man!”

But it gets worse! From the Washington Examiner:

“The Biden Justice Department announced a lawsuit against Georgia over its new election laws, with Attorney General Merrick Garland alleging the voter laws could restrict the rights of black Georgians.”

If I were a black Georgian I would be more than just embarrassed that the Justice Department thinks that I am unable to obtain a photo ID . . . I would be pissed!


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