Election Integrity

An recent article from the New York Times talks about election integrity.. It is a perfect example of liberal media favoritism. This article by Michael Wines whines about the pruning of the rolls of voters who have died, moved, or lost their eligibility. To me this pruning just sounds like common sense!

Do we want dead people voting? “Duh!”

Do we want people who have moved out of our state or our local district voting in state or local district elections? “Duh!”

If the law says that felons are ineligible to vote, do we want felons voting? . . . “No!” (despite what the Democratic ex-governor of Virginia thinks)

The argument on the “emotional, but non-thinking side” (i.e. the Democrats) is the classic example of “if you repeat something enough – over and over that people will believe that it is true” . . . even if there is no evidence of such.

Their argument goes like this according to Stuart Naifeh, a senior counsel at the voting rights group, Demos, “The goal here is not election integrity. It’s suppression and intimidation of voters.” Again say it often enough and people will actually believe that there is suppression and intimidation of the voters. Balderdash!!

As I have pointed out before, in Mexico in order to vote, you need a federal I.D. that not only has your name and your picture, but also a thumb print. I have yet to read or hear of anyone in Mexico alleging that this intimidates voters or suppresses voting. Maybe in Mexico they do not think that dead people voting is a good idea!! Maybe they think that not allowing dead people to vote preserves election integrity!

Of course, there are liberal judges, for example in Texas and in Ohio, who feel that it is their responsibility to defy common sense with this “intimidation-suppression” nonsense, and so these cases continue use to slog through the courts until hopefully the Supreme Court will actually rule that common sense should prevail.

When I think about this logically, I feel that each illegal vote that is cast potentially suppresses my legal vote, and that does not preserve election integrity!



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