Einstein Revisited

Granted Einstein was not an M.D., but as most will recall, he had a very prophetic statement on the definition of “insanity,” and this statement is becoming more and more apropos during this ongoing slugathon-marathon with Covid.

Einstein purportedly said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”  … this is how we have dealt with and are continuing to deal with Covid! Lockdowns, mandatory masking, and forced social distancing did not prevent any of the various waves of Covid, so naturally with the delta variant, what is now being recommended by those that know best? You guessed it … lockdowns, mandatory masking, and forced social distancing. To paraphrase Einstein, “Insanity.”

Now we are entering into a new phase of possible renewed insanity regarding the vaccines. Let’s think about this for a bit. As I recently detailed, reports out of Israel are discovering waning immunity to vaccines as the vaccine recipients get further out from their jabs. As Israel was well ahead on their vaccine program compared to the U.S., is it not reasonable to anticipate this same phenomena will likewise occur here in the U.S? In fact health officials are already talking about potential decreased vaccine effectiveness as time goes on. So what would be the solution to this problem? … of course, vaccine boosters, and then when these boosters start to lose their effectiveness, will it be more boosters? 

Could a prior-vaccinated individual now getting Covid (probably the delta variant with its lowered risk of serious infection), turn out to be a good thing?  Well before you laugh too hard, note that at this point natural immunity is proving to be potentially better than vaccine induced immunity in that it is not waning. As some of you may remember, SARS 1 occurred back in 2003, and those individuals who had a SARS 1 infection back then are still showing evidence of immunity. Their immunity is not waning. Granted SARS 1 and SARS 2 are not exactly the same viruses, but they are very close.

Similarly, is giving vaccines to younger and younger individuals, when we are now learning that vaccine induced immunity is a waning phenomenon, a good thing? This is an especially apropos issue with children and schools, because Covid is an extremely benign viral infection in children. By forcibly vaccinating these younger children are we as a society becoming more and more a billboard for Einstein’s definition of insanity? Would not everybody be better off if we sent all school-aged children back to school without the masks, without the social distancing of desks, etc. and thus allowed them to get Covid and thus develop their own natural immunity the way nature intended? 

Similarly should the forced vaccinations for college students fall into this same category? Why are schools forcing their young students to be vaccinated before they can start college this year when we are becoming cognizant that this vaccine induced immunity is likely to be a waning phenomenon? One would think that colleges would be more aware of what Einstein has said.

(I may have mentioned how in my book, The Keneally Chronicles, a small town used non-Einstein like tactics to attack Covid head on.) 


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