Drizzle, Now, But With a Storm Coming

From the Western Journal 9/20/21:

With a prediction for very stormy weather ahead for the nation he loves, meteorologist Karl Bohnak signed off last week after being fired for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

Bohnak had served as the weatherman at Michigan’s WLUC-TV for 33 years. Gray Television, WLUC’s parent company, instituted a vaccine-or-else policy that went into effect on 9/15/21.

It wasn’t so much about what happened … he got fired. It was more about what he said afterwards.

Bohnak, quoting New York Yankee icon Lou Gehrig’s famous farewell speech, announced his departure in a post onFacebook.

“I am sad, but, to borrow a quote from a famous ballplayer, ‘I’m the luckiest man on the face of the earth’ because I had a dream as a kid to be a weatherman.”

“That dream came true and to top it off, I got to broadcast weather for one of the most challenging, beautiful spots in the United States. As an added bonus, the people I broadcast to all across Upper Michigan were so kind and encouraging,” he wrote.

From the Washington Post 9/18/21:

Bohnak wrote, “Since I chose not to take one of the shots, I was fired. Many of you have taken one of these injections, and that is absolutely your right. It is also my right to choose the medical options I feel are right for me. I have authority over my body.”

Bohnak, further said the mandates were causing the country to be “bludgeoned with fear, I believe, in an effort to control us.” The Michigan meteorologist called out the federal government and corporations for their vaccine mandates.

“I just wanted to go about my business, ‘live and let live,’ and keep my mouth shut,” he wrote on Facebook. “But this act by the federal government through corporate America has brought me to a crossroads. Our way of life, our freedom and liberty, is collapsing before our eyes.”

Whose side are the people of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula on?

Here’s a hint from Twitter:

“The people of small UP town, Iron Mt., Michigan protested by the dozens and some called for a boycott of TV6.”

My new favorite columnist, Wayne Allen Root. had an interesting take on Biden’s vaccine mandates. He said, “As a nationally syndicated radio host, I get thousands of emails a week. The ones I’m getting right now are downright tragic. I’m getting heartfelt letters of anguish from police officers, firefighters, paramedics, nurses, corrections officers, active-duty military, military fighter jet pilots, even Navy SEALs.

They’re all getting ready to quit or be fired because of vaccine mandates. They do not want the vaccine. Even if they have to give up their pensions. Even if they are one year away from retirement and a six-figure pension.”

Of course the New York Times is putting the blame for the lower vaccination rates on Republicans … could it be that Republicans on more apt to think like meteorologist Karl Bohnak and that is why they are Republicans. Are they saying, “It is also my right to choose the medical options I feel are right for me. I have authority over my body.”?

This type of scenario will continue to play out all across the U.S. What we are seeing here is similar to that initial drizzle that occurs as a big storm is threatening. My congrats to Karl Bohnak for standing up for his principles.

As most of you are aware I am not against the vaccine, but I am definitely “for freedom.” BTW: this is also a strong opinion of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Keneally in my book, “The Keneally Chronicles.” … available on Amazon.



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