DOJ/FBI Intimidation – Part II

Back on 9/26/22 I wrote about the incredible FBI raid on the house of Mark Houck in Pennsylvania. To me the whole episode was ludicrous and at the same time frightening. Most everyone seemed to agree with me that the whole purpose of having 20+ FBI armed agents arrest and take away a handcuffed father of seven, Mark Houck, was an example of pure and simple overkill in order to intimidate anyone who dares to have a different opinion than the Biden regime.

However, lo-and-behold one person who will remain unidentified, objected to my conclusion, and basically said that the FBI can never be too careful. How can they possibly know how many armed terrorists will be waiting to attack them as soon as they knock on someone’s door! 

As a general policy I do not argue with those who disagree with my positions, however to help this misguided individual, I did think that some important issues needed to be clarified.

When there had been a rumor that Mark Houck might be arrested, his lawyer contacted the DOJ and said if he was to be indicted, he would voluntarily turn himself in.

However, voluntarily turning oneself in does not generate the intimidation and the fear that twenty armed FBI agents do. In addition, if Houck turned himself in, his seven children would not be able to witness their father being led away in handcuffs. Classy!!! 

One also wonders why eleven months elapsed after the October, 2021 incident. Why did a DOJ official approve a Grand Jury indictment against Houck after a similar state criminal complaint had been dismissed?

In addition from the Epoch Times:

In light of Mr. Houck’s alleged cooperation with federal authorities, why did the Justice Department and FBI execute an arrest warrant against him instead of using less aggressive tactics, including a summons to appear? 


How did the execution of the search warrant by armed FBI agents comply with Attorney General Garland’s use of force memorandum? 

FYI – below are details about Garland’s use of force memorandum  … still from Epoch News.

“On May 20, 2022, Garland sent a memo to Justice Department employees about its use of force policy. The memo, titled “De-escalation,” said officers must be trained in de-escalation tactics designed to gain voluntary compliance from a subject before using force, and such tactics should be used if feasible and if they would not increase the danger to the officer or others.”

The actions taken by the FBI call into question whether they complied with DOJ’s use of force policy.

To me what is increasingly interesting is that the more one actually learns about this case, the scarier it becomes. Once it becomes okay for the DOJ/FBI to routinely resort to intimidation tactics against those who merely disagree with them, the less our country resembles the America I grew up in!


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