Does Anybody Care ?

Who is Pete Buttigieg? My initial answer is, “Does anybody care?” But wait; let’s be more tolerant, as this 37 year old is one of the latest to put his name in the 2020 Democratic hopper, hoping to be chosen as their nominee for president.

First of all, he is a very smart guy who is the son of two Notre Dame professors. He was his high school’s valedictorian, and subsequently went to Harvard where he graduated magna cum laude in 2004. Subsequently he was a Rhodes Scholar in 2007. Like I said, “Pete is a very smart guy.”

In November 2011, he was elected Mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He took office in January 2012 at age 29, becoming the youngest mayor of a U.S. city with at least 100,000 residents. He was re-elected in 2015 to a second term. So far, so good, but there are no more successful chapters in his book. 

His experience in state politics is a goose-egg, as he was the Democratic Party nominee for State Treasurer of Indiana in 2010, and was defeated by Republican incumbent Richard Mourdock, garnering only 37.5% of the vote. Ouch!  On the national level his experience is another zippo.  He ran for chair of the Democratic National Committee in 2017, and withdrew from the race on the day of the election. Ouch!
As he has already stated that he is not going to seek a third term as Mayor of South Bend, what is this 37 year old going to do with his future free time? Well the answer should be intuitively obvious . . . to snowflakes. He should run for President of the U.S.A.!! It is amazing to me that someone who has never had a state, much less a national office, has the hutzpah to run for President! (At least Beto had been elected to the House, and at least Obama had been a Senator . . . albeit for one term. Trump was a uber successful businessman.)

Pete is a far leftist, and in my opinion, those far left Democrats should be encouraged as they are not electable. He supports abortions into the third trimester out of a belief in “freedom from government.” And he won’t rule out tax hikes. “If the only way I can get all of us paid parental leave, universal health care, dramatically improved child care, better education, good infrastructure and, therefore, longer life expectancy and a healthier economy is to raise revenue, then we should be honest about that,” he said. Go, Pete, go!

But it gets better. Since launching his exploratory committee to run for president on Jan. 23, he has already raised $7 million for his campaign. (Somebody must care!) Now, think about that for a second. Who would donate money to a nobody’s presidential campaign ? Who are the 7 million snowflakes that make up this blizzard?  My view – do not discourage this tomfoolery. Encourage donations to Pete’s campaign. The more money these nincompoops donate to Buttigieg now, the less money they will have in the future to donate when there is a substantial challenger to Trump.

A recent Quinnipiac poll found that 4 percent of Democrats would vote for him — the same number that supports Elizabeth Warren, who has been a U.S. senator for six years. Again an amazing statistic. 4%!! Who make up these 4%? I can’t put a finger on a word that means the combination of a “snowflake” and a “nincompoop,” but that neologism would fit here. And finally he has already had a “Hillary deplorable moment” when on “Meet the Press” this past weekend, Pete accused evangelicals of being “hypocrites” for accepting, rather than rejecting Trump. Guess who all of the “hypocrites” will not be voting for?
So now that you are familiar with Pete Buttigieg . . . “Does anybody care?”

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