Divisive? . . . For Whom!

Oops,I did it again … unintentionally, but guilty as charged! It happened at my gym . . . again. For years the TV that is situated directly in front of the exercycles has been tuned to Fox News. As I got situated on my bike – wiping it down with Purell, adjusting the seat using Purell again, and getting ipod earbuds positioned correctly, a commercial was on the TV screen. I started pedaling, and at about two minutes in, I noticed, much to my dismay that the TV directly in front of me was tuned to  . . . CNN!

At that point I had a decision to make. Either get off that exercycle, move to another piece of exercise equipment, and go through all of the Purell rigamarole again . . . or continue as is, and do my best to control the nausea. “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.” “Mea Culpa!”

Although thankfully I could not hear any of the drivel that was being spewed out by the announcer, across the bottom of the screen the word, “divisive” was used repeatedly in association with “Trump’s speech at Mount Rushmore.” Because this was CNN, I suspected that it probably was a good speech.

Later today while looking at some things on the internet, I noticed that the NYT had referred to that same speech as, “dark and divisive!” ( I guess “divisive,” must have been the leftist word of the day. If today wasn’t a holiday, I’m sure that “stretched-face” would have used that same word of the day.) After I read that the NYT was vociferously not happy with the speech, I knew that it must have been good!

Next I read an article by Roger Kimball about that same speech. The headline of that article was the following:

“Looking back on the 2020 election, historians will say the Mt. Rushmore speech was the moment that Donald Trump won reelection.”

Damn, I wished that I had watched that speech!

At least my suspicions about the speech were confirmed . . . “if both CNN and the NYT both disliked it, it must have been very good!”

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