Despite Rumors To the Contrary

Just when you think you have seen it all, and heard it all, you read about something and all you can do is just shake your head. What you are going to read about in the following paragraphs is true. I am not making this stuff up, despite rumors to the contrary. I do have to admit, however, that I have thus far been unable to document with a one-hundred percent certainty that these O.S. women are Democrats . . . despite rumors to the contrary!

Right now, you are probably asking, “WTF is O.S.?” O.S. refers to Objectum Sexuals, who are individuals who are in love with inanimate objects. Apparently they believe their love with the objects is reciprocal and that they can telepathically communicate with them.

The following is from a July, 2013 post from Psychology Today:

“Arguably the most infamous objectophile is Erika LaBrie who “married” the Eiffel Tower in 2007 (and now calls herself Erika Eiffel). She first met the Eiffel Tower in 2004 and fell in love with it immediately. She visits her “soul mate” as often as she can afford to, and she claims her relationship is as real as that between any two consenting adults. Prior to her relationship with the ET, her object love empowered her to become a two-time world champion in archery (her first object love was her bow called ‘Lance’). While falling in love with an inanimate object is rare, Erika is not alone. Erika La Tour Eiffel married the Eiffel Tower and then took its name. But she doesn’t like referring to the structure as “it” because “calling something an ‘it’ instantly means it’s inanimate.” She gets “a sense” of an object’s gender. According to her, the Eiffel Tower is female.” Erika Eiffel is not alone. 

The following is from the New York Post, July 19, 2019:

A woman says she has several love interests, but none of them can hold a candle to Lumiere — a 91-year-old chandelier she plans to marry. Amanda Liberty, 35, who changed her last name from Whittaker during a prior long-distance relationship with the Statue of Liberty, is ready to finally settle down with the light of her life. The bride-to-be said she has been in an open relationship with multiple light fixtures, but decided to get hitched to Lumiere, which she regards as female.

“I’m determined to have this commitment ceremony, to prove that I’m here for Lumiere and that my love is going to last,” she said. “I’m not sure what dress I’ll wear and will invite those closest to us. I’ll also be buying matching wedding rings for Lumiere and myself,” she added.

Despite rumors to the contrary, the A.C.L.U. is already planning to sue whichever baker refuses to bake the wedding cake for Lumiere and Ms. Liberty! The county clerk in the area in which Amanda Liberty lives, is purportedly going to refuse to issue a marriage license for Amanda and Lumiere. Also many of the Democratic presidential candidates are possibly going to be supporting these O.S. women at the next debate. Some of them have apparently been quoted as being ready to back the O.S.s all the way to the Supreme Court! I have this on good authority, despite rumors to the contrary!

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