Despicable, but Encouraged

I think that these days we are not merely involved in an era of intense political disagreement, but I think that we are involved in a war. The enemy is Leftism.
First of all it is important to realize that in this war, just about any kind of dishonest underhanded behavior is not considered dishonest or underhanded by the Left, but rather is not only accepted but also encouraged. Leftism is in fact like a religion where anything is permissible if it is done to further the cause. No weapon is considered to base to use. I have not read Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’, but if I were to guess, the following would be a partial list of tactics that would be encouraged to defeat opponents:
False Accusations
Outright Lies
When Accused . . . Deny
Even though none or perhaps just a smidgeon of what one says or does is true, if you continue to repeat it over and over again often enough . . . then it becomes just as good as the truth. It is accepted.
“Trump colluded with the Russians.” “Trump colluded with the Russians.”
Now even though there hasn’t been a smidgeon of evidence to prove that false accusation, CNN and MSNBC viewers believe that it is true . . . “It must be true as I have heard it over and over again”!
“Trump is going to be impeached.”
“Really! Why?”
“Because he is colluding with the Russians .”
And it goes on from there, because those on the left do not care about veracity.
They only want to destroy their enemies, and it does not matter how they do it.
Recall that Lying, Slander, and Innuendo are not only accepted, but encouraged by the Left.
Recently, a friend of mine was extolling the virtues of Rep. Scott Peters.(D, Ca.) “Oh he is such a nice man. His father was a minister.” Those two things may in fact be true, but of no consequence, because this is politics. When Scott Peters was initially elected, he barely beat Carl DeMaio. In fact DeMaio was ahead in the race with about a week to go, when someone who used to work in DeMaio’s office accused Mr. DeMaio of sexual harassment and more. This accusation made the local papers and TV news. After the election, it turned out that these accusations were spurious and made up. Scott Brown claimed that he knew nothing about these accusations being untrue, but did not refute them before the election. Did he know about this lying? Did he close his eyes to this deceit? This will always be a question in my mind, as recall that Slander, False Accusations, and Outright Lying are not only accepted, but encouraged by the Left.
When Hollywood mogul uber liberal Harvey Weinstein was credibly accused of multiple episodes of sexual harassment (and more) by multiple women, the Left immediately began saying that Donald Trump would be next. Of course the fact that they had already tried this before (and failed) did not matter. Recall that Innuendo and False Accusations are not only accepted, but encouraged by the Left.
So when I heard Al Franken (D,Mn)questioning Jeff Sessions the other day on T.V., I was not shocked when I heard the ex-SNLer using his standard line of questioning featuring Innuendo, False Accusations, and Outright Lies, as these are not only accepted but encouraged by the Left.
Whenever I see Adam Schiff (D,Ca) opening his mouth, I do not actually have to listen as he only speaks out of the left side of his mouth. He is always spewing Slander, Innuendo, False Accusations, etc. as these are not only accepted but expected from a leftist like him!

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