Desperate People Say . . . !

On Thursday, 5/23/19, at her weekly “Days of Our Life” press briefing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told reporters she is concerned for the well-being of President Donald Trump.

While standing next to Schumer, who is looking more drained and sluggish by the day, Nancy said, “We don’t want it to be partisan now, but I can only think he wasn’t up to the task of figuring out the difficult choices of how to cover the cost of infrastructure legislation that we had talked about . . . I pray for the president of the United States. I wish his family, his administration or his staff would have an intervention for the good of the country.”

Does she actually think that anybody other than her lapdogs and of course, Sluggo Schumer, actually believe any of this drivel? Perhaps, even more important does she actually believe any of this drivel? (If she sincerely believes any of this, then maybe we should be praying for her!) 

I suspect that she purposely insulted President Trump just before their scheduled meeting on infrastructure. Infrastructure repair and replacement is more his baby than it is hers, as it was one of his campaign promises. So why not torpedo the infrastructure meeting before it could get going? She undoubtedly suspected that her statement that morning about him covering something up would piss him off . . . and after the recent exonerating Mueller Report, it did piss him off . . . understandably. Only a fool would think that it is okay to insult someone in the morning, and then sit down with them in the afternoon and play buddy-buddy. So either she is a conniving wench or she is a fool. Giving her the benefit of the doubt, perhaps she is a mere fool, as the more this Democratic intransigence persists, the more foolish she and most of the Democrats, in general, are looking.

Rumor has it that her chauffeur never even turned off the car when she exited for her meeting with the President, as he/she apparently suspected that Nancy would be back very shortly. (Another rumor has it that President Trump basically told Nancy and Sluggo Schumer something like, “I am pretty busy getting ready to go to Japan for my meeting with Shinzō Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, and so perhaps you two ‘shin-go away’!”)

According to a poll taken just today, her bit about “praying for the President” is now running a close second to syrup of ipecac when an emetic is indicated and vomiting is a necessity. Her comments about her concern for the well-being of Mr. Trump did not even move the dial one iota on her “The Days of Our Life” credibility scale. Why did she say some of these obviously unbelievably phony things?

Nancy is aware that the Dems have steadily falling numbers and that they have neither a real message nor any real ideas on the radar either now or in the foreseeable pre-2020 future! And so . . . Desperate Nancy Says Desperate Things!

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