Democrats . . . Embarrassed ?

At which point do Democrats become embarrassed with the workings of those that represent their party . . . notably Adam Schiff? Here I do not mean all Democrats, as there are at least two, and perhaps up to four different species of Democrats.
First we have the far-left Democrats from the Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders mold. They pay no attention to logic or common sense. Their pitch is based entirely on emotion, and so there is no way to have a rational conversation with any of them. Does this group ever become concerned by the far-out nonsensical tenets that are being pushed by similar far-lefties? No! Open borders, Medicare for all including illegals, post-birth “abortion,” violence against police, etc. . . . nothing is too extreme for this group. Can they be embarrassed? Apparently not.
The second group is basically Democrat-by-default, as President Trump is so offensive to them that they are forced to be “anti-Trump Democrats.” Does this group ever get embarrassed? The answer here is a conditional “No,” as they are never embarrassed by anything that is anti-Trump, but I supposed they can be silently embarrassed by other things . . . however their anti-Trump feelings are so strong that they find a way to make just about everything to be tangentially anti-Trump despite things that point in other directions.
The third group are what I would call “J.F.K. Democrats,” meaning that they believe in what the Democrat party used to believe in. “My parents and my grandparents were Democrat; my whole family is Democrat, and so I will always be a Democrat.” Most of this group are blind to what the Democrats actually stand for today, or worse, they choose to ignore what the Democrats stand for today. They vote Democrat reflexively. Are they sometimes embarrassed by the 2019 Democrat Party beliefs? I believe they are . . . but for the most part, they stagger into the voting booth, close their eyes, bite their tongue, and pull the “all Democrat” lever, because that is how they were raised. However I suspect that they do become secretly embarrassed when faced with some of the far-left policies that are almost the new “Democrat core beliefs.”
The final group are those that are now “independents,” having “switched over” from being called Democrats. This is the most likely group to be embarrassed by some of the things that the Democrats say and Adam Schiff does. This is the group of voters that are “uninterested” about the impeachment inquiry. They are suspicious of the secretive nature of the whole process, with hours of witness testimony behind closed doors with only select portions being leaked.
Any rational non-leftist, non non-Trumper Democrat would have to be embarrassed by this faux impeachment charade. Hopefully this embarrassment will carry over to 2020, both for the “JFK Democrats,” and the recently converted independents.

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