Deja-vu ?

Does anyone think that it was just coincidence that Elizabeth Warren’s recent accusation surfaced just before the “CNN debate” last week? Supposedly over a year ago Bernie Sanders said something “nasty” about her, and indeed, women in general, with regard to the possibility of defeating Donald Trump in 2020. 

Although not confirmed one could certainly imagine a quid-pro-quo proposition that went something like this: “Ms. Warren, your campaign is in trouble as Bernie is surging ahead with those far left progressives. You need something to draw renewed interest in your campaign. We, at CNN, need something to generate better ratings in this coming CNN sponsored debate. Let’s make a deal. Give us something we can use, and we will make sure that you will look like the good guy with the white hat on the debate stage.”

Not possible, you say! Is there another reasonable explanation for CNN’s obvious blatant favoritism towards Warren during the CNN-debate ? I say the fix is in! 

Consider that this seemingly endless string of Democrat debates has been steadily losing viewership and thus ratings. Most of the country is losing interest in a bunch of hackneyed politicians saying “same-o-same-o.” If one had been listening and watching closely, it wouldn’t have taken a body language expert to pickup on the desperation in the CNN-persona over the last few weeks. To me it seems a bit strange that Sanders’ alleged statement about a woman not being able to beat Donald Trump happened serendipitously to surface just before the CNN-debate. If you believe that . . . I have a bridge that I want to sell you!

Next MSNBC’s Joy Reid had a body language expert on her show. Does anyone think that it was just coincidence that this expert said that, in her opinion, Warren was telling the truth and Sanders was lying during their on stage confrontation at the debate. Next, apparently Joy Reid said scandals hurt more when they seem plausible and complained about Sanders’ “physicality” whenever the senator speaks to women. (I say “apparently” as my T.V. just cannot seem to tune into MSNBC . . . for some reason!) It again sounds to me like the fix is in.

Does the CNN-MSNBC “collusion” with Warren against Bernie Sanders sound familiar? Is this deja-vu? Is Sanders getting shafted again, just like he was shafted in 2016 by the DNC? Is Warren the preordained “favorite daughter,” so to speak, just like Hillary was in 2016? 

Just to be clear, I have no vested interest in Bernie Sanders. However, if I was one of his gung-ho supporters, I would be outraged at what is seemingly happening again in 2020. Are these supporters outraged enough and insulted enough that they are already considering that perhaps Bernie should run as an independent ? After all, he really is not a Democrat, but rather is actually an Independent. Wouldn’t a third candidate make things interesting in November, 2020 ?

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