
Deja-vu! I remember it well. It was early September, 1982. We were all over at Uncle Sammy’s place, and he was in an exceptionally good mood. Actually he had been in a good mood for a little over a year, whereas for the three or four years prior, he had been in a foul mood most of the time. Uncle Sammy was 73 years old, and had lived through the various political perturbations of the sixties and the seventies. Over the years his mood changes were often directly related to who was in the highest office in the land.

“Why the exceptionally good mood today, Uncle Sammy?”
While sitting in his usual comfortable brown chair, Sammy smirked a bit and responded, “As you are undoubtedly aware, the reason for my prior years of distemper was that uber liberal, Jimmy Carter, and today it dawned on me that the reward for putting up with Jimmy Carter is spelled R-E-A-G-A-N. It also then dawned on me that there is a high likelihood that for the rest of my days on earth, our president will be a Republican. For, you see, from my perspective there is little doubt that President Reagan will serve two terms, and he will be followed by his present vice-President, George Bush for another two terms. That gets our country another fourteen or so years of rational reasonable leadership, and since it is unlikely statistically that I will live to be older than 87, it almost guarantees that I will be in a good mood till I die!” (In actuality, Uncle Sammy did live his remaining days in a good mood as he died in June,1992, just after his eighty-third birthday, and prior to the election of Bill Clinton.)
I happened to think about Uncle Sammy today as I was sitting as usual in my comfortable chair. I was in a good mood. Whereas my mood had been dour for years,
I have been in a good mood now for well over a year.
Since I am 73 years old, it dawned on me, that there is a good possibility that for the next fourteen years our president will be Republican and thus for the remainder of my years on earth, my mood will continue to be good!
Deja-vu . . . all over again!

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