Daniel . . . Who ?

Another of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s tyrannical lockdown orders was struck down in court last week after a year-long legal battle.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled Newsom’s 2020 order, stopping all in-person learning in both public and private schools in 32 counties, was deemed unconstitutional.

Recall that about one month ago a similar ruling came down against Governor Newsom, concerning his closing of churches, while leaving Costco an similar stores open for business. That Newsom fiasco cost the state millions in taxpayers dollars. How much will this latest court victory siding with freedom cost the state?

From Freedom Wire:

“California’s forced closure of their private schools implicates a right that has long been considered fundamental under the applicable caselaw — the right of parents to control their children’s education and to choose their children’s educational forum,” The judge said Friday.

“Because California’s ban on in-person schooling abridges a fundamental liberty of these five Plaintiffs that is protected by the Due Process Clause, that prohibition can be upheld only if it withstands strict scrutiny,” the judge continued.

The Center for American Liberty filed the lawsuit against Newsom in July 2020 representing 20 plaintiffs who challenged Newsom’s order. The plaintiffs argued that Newsom overstepped his authority by unconstitutionally denying parents to have control over their children’s education.”

FYI: This judge was appointed in 2019 by President Trump.

FYI: This appointment of this judge to the ninth circuit was opposed by both of California’s US Senators at that time, Dianne Feinstein and          Kamala Harris.

FYI: The judge’s name is Daniel … (what is his last name?) … oh yeah,  . . .  Daniel Collins.

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