Crystal Clear

Radio talk show host, Dennis Prager, has said innumerable times, that, on just about every issue, he always prefers clarity. I do not think that things could have been made more clear on the subject of abortion after this weekend. 

Whereas on 1/24/20, President Trump not only attended the March for Life rally in Washington D.C., but he became the first sitting president to address this annual rally. I listened to his entire speech at this huge gathering of pro-life supporters, and I would estimate that in addition, millions watched his speech on You-tube. He is against abortion at all stages of pregnancy. 

The following is from his speech:

“We’re here for a very simple reason, to defend the right of every child, born and unborn, to fulfill their God-given potential. … All of us here today understand that eternal truth: Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God. Together, we must protect, cherish and defend the dignity and the sanctity of every human life.”

On the subject of abortion, he was crystal clear.

On the other hand, listen and watch Pete Buttigieg attempt to answer a question from a pro-life Democrat at a town-hall in Des Moines, Iowa. The questioner, Kristen Day, pointed out that there are about 21 million pro-life Democrats, and she was hoping that Mayor Pete would say that there is room for both pro-life and pro-abortion views in the Democratic Party. However he wouldn’t budge on the question concerning the pro-abortion language in the Democrat’s platform. On this subject, he was crystal clear!

So it appears that there is little room for confusion on this subject:

If you are pro-abortion, vote for whomever the Democrats nominate, as basically all of the viable candidates’s views on this subject are essentially the same.

If you are pro-life, follow your moral conscience, and vote for President Trump. Hopefully a good number of the aforementioned 21 million pro-life Democrats will either stay home and not vote, or will vote for the pro-life candidate, Donald Trump.

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