Covid . . . Chicago

I just read a Facebook post from an E.R. physician at Rush Medical Center on the near west side of Chicago. (Yes that same west side of Chicago that had a recent video depicting a large house party with supposedly a hundred or so guests, the alcohol flowing freely, and no face masks in sight.)

But more to the point, the gist of this E.R. M.Ds epistle can be basically summarized as follows:

“How can you out there complain about the inconveniences of this shutdown when people are dying daily, especially here at Rush Medical Center. Nightly I am seeing not only patients, but also families being devastated by this Covid-19 virus. Those of you who are protesting and complaining should show more love and compassion for your fellow man.”

As was obvious from his diatribe, he is trapped in a horrible situation. I have only the most admiration for what he is doing . . . but not for his opinion or his air of moral superiority. Certainly one’s position in this pandemic will alter one’s views. Just like the Picasso statue in downtown Chicago – what you see and what you think the statue means often depends on where you stand when you view that work of art. 

E.R M.D. refers to the tragic consequences of this lockdown, such as losing one’s job, losing one’s business, or losing one’s savings as “inconveniences!”

Now granted these “inconveniences” do not involve being on a ventilator, or being in the I.C.U. But, wake up, E.R.M.D.! Losing one’s job or one’s savings is not just an “inconvenience”!

Moreover, some of the social problems that have increased because of these lockdowns are certainly more than “inconveniences” for many! Suicides are up. Alcoholism and it’s consequences – up. Drug abuse – up. Spousal abuse and child abuse – up. Depression – up. Does E.R. M.D. consider all of these personal tragedies as mere “inconveniences?” 

Has he spoken to any patients, especially seniors who cannot get their “elective surgery” done? Granted those who are suffering with daily pain because they cannot get their hip replaced, their knee replaced, or their rotator cuff tear fixed are not in his bailiwick. He is probably not seeing them in his E.R., but they are patients nonetheless, and their suffering is being aggravated and prolonged by this lockdown. Has he asked them about their painful “inconveniences?”

Likewise, mammograms are way down, as are outpatient biopsies. Medications are not being refilled because some are fearful of leaving their home. Does this mean that the incidence of breast cancer, as well as other cancers is down? Has Covid cured hypertension and diabetes? Not likely, and not probable.

If after looking at the Picasso from a different viewpoint, he still thinks that everyone who disagrees with his lockdown strategy is a baseless immoral person, perhaps he should take some time off, away from his E.R., and see what the hoi-polloi is experiencing.

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