Country Oldies

For whatever reason recently I have again started to listen to country music. Not just any type of country music, but more specifically country oldies, as are played on Sirius XM’s Willie’s Roadhouse. I realize that most of you are not particularly attracted to the country oldies, and Democrats in general are not fans of country music, but so be it. One of the reasons I like this genre of music has to do with the stories that these songs often tell. The other morning I heard a country oldie that was about a family mourning the loss of a loved one from a drug overdose. Right then I thought about the sadness experienced by family members when a tragedy like this occurs. I have to admit that right then I thought nasty things about those s.o.b.’s who are drug traffickers, as they are in a large part, ultimately responsible for these tragedies.

To put things into perspective, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 105,752 Americans died from drug overdoses from October 2020 to October 2021, and consequently similar sadness was likely experienced by over 100,000 families in the U.S. 

For those who aren’t aware, Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death in Americans aged 18 to 45 years old, and Fentanyl is now flowing torrentially into our country like water in a dry riverbed after the first big rainfall of the year. Most of this Fentanyl comes across our open southern border, but those in charge of our border security either are not aware of this problem or, more likely, just do not care. FYI: At our southern border, Customs and Border Protection are confiscating record amounts of fentanyl coming across from Mexico. For example, CBP seized over 11,201 pounds of fentanyl from October 2020 to September 2021, which is a 41 percent increase from the year before. That is enough fentanyl to kill 2.5 billion people or the entire U.S. population over 7 times Furthermore, the Fentanyl seized represents but a small percent of that which is successfully illegally transported across this border. 

Once this Fentanyl makes it into our cities and rural communities, it is the drug traffickers who are then responsible for local distribution.

Recently Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH) proposed to advance H.R. 6184, also known as the Halt All Lethal Trafficking of Fentanyl Act.

The goal of the bill is to permanently place fentanyl-related substances into Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, making it illegal to sell the molecularly-altered fentanyl substance manufactured by criminals. Fentanyl-related substances are currently temporarily under Schedule I. The bill is in response to the record number of drug overdoses in the United States stemming from fentanyl pills and other drugs laced with fentanyl. 

On 4/1/22 more than 200 House Democrats voted against H.R. 6184 … and no, this is not an April Fool’s joke. House Democrats’ opposition to the Halt All Lethal Trafficking of Fentanyl Act reportedly stems from its provision for mandatory-minimum sentences for fentanyl traffickers. ( I guess we all have our priorities!)

If your local House Representative voted against passage of this bill, perhaps a phone call from you on this matter would be appropriate.

Moreover, if more House Democrats listened to Willie’s Roadhouse, perhaps they would have more empathy for drug overdose victims and their families rather than fentanyl traffickers.


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