Could It Be ?

It was Tuesday night. I was busy doing something, and had turned on the T.V. for a little background noise. Could it be that the channel was showing a high school basketball game – as the girls in the stands were all dressed similarly. It soon became apparent that this cadre was probably at their first game, as they kept looking at each other to see if they should clap or sit on their hands. God forbid that a novice might inadvertently stand and cheer because of something she thought was a good thing. Could it be that some in the group were the designated clappers, as the others would initially look around for guidance, and if those designated ones did not applaud or stand, then the rest would not stand or applaud. The one thing that was totally befuddling to me was the dour expressions on the majority of their faces. If they were in pain, why were they at a basketball game? Only once did they all rise up and show spirit – standing, clapping, and giving each other high-fives. I thought, “How typical of freshmen!”

After I turned up the volume on the T.V., I realized that this was not a meaningless sporting event, but rather the State of the Union address by our President. However, as I watched and paid attention, I continued to be confused by the behavior of those dressed in white, as they did not appear to understand or applaud when President Trump would say things that all Americans should be enthused about:

“American greatness” . . . sullen and silently sitting on their hands!

“Low unemployment rates among minorities, the disabled, and women.” . . . bored,   with disinterested facial expressions!“

Taking care of veterans” . . . surely this would generate an enthusiastic response, as  don’t all patriotic Americans stand behind our veterans? . . . still sitting, with even  more scowling!

An introduction of an ICE agent who had saved hundreds of women and girls from sex-traffickers. Certainly, I expected him to receive a standing O from all, but instead the “non-cheerleaders in white” gave him a sitting-non-O! I was flabbergasted . . . could it be that they are pro-sex-trafficking?

I could go on . . . “Angel families, deescalating tensions with No. Korea, five million people now off food stamps, increased child tax credit, increased middle class prosperity, increasing wages for blue-collar workers . . . nada, nada, and more nada from the ladies in white!

 I was baffled, and I am sure that a lot of those watching were as dumbfounded as I was. What was the reason for their non-patriotic behavior? 

-Could it be that they didn’t understand the game of basketball?

-Could it be that they all suffer from a significant loss of hearing?

-Could it be that they only speak Spanish? 

-Could it be that they basically do not like America and Americans?

Take your pick.

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