Cory and Mary Jane

Surely Sen. Cory Booker (D,NJ) must have been flummoxed as some new over-the-top lefties in Congress were getting all of the publicity. Rashida Tlaib (D,MI) sprinted from the starting gate using the F-bomb on her first day, and not to be outdone, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D,NY) endorsed something called the “Green New Deal,” which is some environmental-wacho scheme that would increase the top tax rate to 70%. However, the dagger to the heart for Spartacus certainly must have been that a fellow leftist Senator, Elizabeth Warren (D,MA), beat him to the potential presidential starting gate when she announced that she was running well ahead of Sen. Booker’s announcement that he is also now a candidate.  However, Sen. Booker really does not have much to fear from Pocahontas other than she has a more recognizable nickname. Even in the “I can tell a bigger whopper than you” category, Cory Booker is right up there. His “Spartacus moment” (from the 1960 movie starring Kirk Douglas) turned out to be a fake, as were his past constant referrals to T-Bone, a Newark drug pusher, who did not exist. This makes me wonder, “Is he really a vegan?” . . . “No me importa!” However, more serious and more dangerous than his lying for effect, is his 2017 statement on the safety of marijuana when he said in a speech calling for federal legalization that the states that had already legalized marijuana “are seeing a decrease in violent crime.” Gong! Gong! Not so, Cory. Facts actually do matter when you are talking about Mary Jane (not the 1978 song by Rick James). What are the facts?

The four states that initially legalized marijuana, Colorado & Washington in 2014 and Alaska & Oregon in 2015, had 450 murders and 30,300 aggravated assaults in 2013 (pre-legalization). In 2017 (post-legalization) in the same four states combined, the murders jumped to 620 – a 38% increase. Over the same period of time the aggravated assaults increased by 7,700. Coincidence?  Not likely, according to Alex Berenson in his book, “Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence.” According to studies cited by Mr. Berenson marijuana can cause psychosis in individual cases, and psychosis is a high risk factor for violence. He cites a 2012 paper in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence that found a doubling of domestic violence in adolescents using marijuana in the U.S. Likewise he cites a 2017 paper in the journal, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, that found that drug use, predominately cannabis, was linked to a fivefold increase in violence. Again to quote Mr. Berenson: “For centuries, people all over the world have understood that marijuana  causes mental illness and violence – just as they have known that opiates cause addiction and overdose.” Mental illness and violence? Really! Who says? A 2017 report from the National Academy of Medicine pointed out that there is “substantial” evidence that Mary Jane impairs judgement and driving ability, and increases the risk of psychosis and schizophrenia.Now granted Sen. Booker may not read the journals quoted by Alex Berenson, and probably is unfamiliar with the report by the National Academy of Medicine,  but perhaps he could ask T-Bone so that he might learn the street truth about Mary Jane!

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