Controlled Studies ?

Months back when the esteemed Dr. Fauci was asked about using a certain combination of meds to treat the coronavirus, he responded that any treatment modality would need to be validated by controlled studies. This sort of ivory tower answer is exactly what one should expect from someone who hasn’t seen live patients in years. It’s not that his answer is wrong or right, but totally impractical.

More important should we expect “controlled studies” on many of the things we are being told to do? Let’s look at some of them:

1 Lots of hand-washing: This seems logical, and other than dry skin, I see no downside to this recommendation. However, I am not aware of a controlled study on the spread of COVID with hand-washing versus COVID spread without hand-washing.

2 Spatial distancing: Again seems like common sense as the further away we all are from others, presumably the better. How far away? Now days just about everywhere one goes, there are markers on the ground measured out every six feet. Children going back to school is severely limited by this magical six feet, whereas in Europe three feet is the magic distance. No controlled studies on this that I am aware of.

3 Mask wearing: This is becoming more and more of an issue. Karens are keeping an eye on public places, looking for violators. Punches have been thrown by those who insist that non-mask wearers are purposely trying to kill us all. Other than using the N-19 special masks, I am not aware of studies comparing homemade cloth masks, or over the counter cheap masks versus a no-mask control group. I have seen the slo-mo videos of what happens to the sneeze particles with a mask, but I am not aware of a controlled study on this issue.

4 Lockdowns: We were all told that we had to lockdown to prevent our ICUs from becoming inundated with COVID-19 patients on ventilators. Now we are told that we must keep barber shops, hair salons, gyms, indoor church services, etc. closed  . . . no longer because of ICU overload, but to try to reduce the spread of the virus. When did the strike zone change?

Is there any controlled study on the success of lockdowns? Well actually there is something very very close to a controlled study – Sweden vs. U.S. As you all are well aware by this time Sweden had very minimal lockdown rules. In comparison, the U.S implemented a bunch of varied, but mostly severe lockdown policies.

Interestingly, since July 29 Sweden has had a minimal number of COVID deaths. The latest 3-day moving average and the latest 7-day moving averages both appear to be about 2-3 deaths per day. The graph of the total number of deaths is level at this time with under 6000 total. At present there is 69,384 COVID cases in Sweden with 100% being mild and 39 cases, (0.06%) being serious or critical. This means that the expected future death rate is likely to be very low as typically those who die are seriously or critically ill prior to their demise. At the beginning of this pandemic, Sweden had a lot of deaths, as the more marginally healthy appeared to have died off early on. In total Sweden has had 5774 deaths in a country of 10.23 million million people. (O.056%) When one looks at the covid curves, the curve from Sweden had a significant early peak and like noted above seems to have leveled off.

Yes, Sweden did take an economic hit, but nowhere near the big hit, the U.S continues to take. Did the lockdowns flatten the curve? Yes, however whereas Sweden is on the end of the downslope, the USA is apparently nowhere near the downslope, with the present number of new cases approaching 60,000 per day, more than double what it was two months ago

The  U.S has 328.2 million people, and 5.2 million covid cases (1.59% of the population has thus far contracted the virus.) The present death toll in the USA is 165,000 (0.05%), and the deaths per day are still significant.

Compare the present death stats: 

Sweden = 0.056% and close to being done

USA = 0.05% and not close to being done

So after comparing “lockdown, flattening of the curve” strategy, (USA) vs. “no lockdown” (Sweden) in a reasonably controlled study, which plan appears to coming coming out of top… Dr. Fauci’s plan or Stefan Löfven’s (prime minister of Sweden) plan?

I will let you decide.

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